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Homeopathy Papers

Vignette on Cancer, “Oh, they were so nice, everybody loved them!”


Homeopath Allyson McQuinn shares a vignette of the cancer personality, that she struggled with and overcame. She provides links to her other articles on how to transcend that state of mind.

Reprinted courtesy Allyson McQuinn from:

When a woman I’m treating tells me that she’s concerned about appearing selfish if she practices self-care, I think of the 2 inch tumor I once had in my left breast. My modus operandi was that as long as I maintained the outer form of expectation, I could avoid my deeper emotions and escape clean this thing called life.

Back, those 25 years ago, I never took care of myself. I was a newlywed mother who cooked, worked in a government office, cleaned my home and made something different every single night (with no exception). I was overweight, sad, and suffering chronic fatigue, psoriasis, chronic pain all through my body and then came the tumor. The volume of my symptoms were incrementally going up.

Cancer is defined as the disease of resignation, feelings of the unlived life and rescuing others to the exclusion of oneself. You know what folks will say about someone who’s passed away from Cancer? “Oh, they were so nice, everybody loved them!” and “They’d do absolutely anything for anyone, even take their shirt right off their back and give it you you!”  They’re absolutely selfless folk. The tumor is an emblem of a misplaced self.

Now, I’m not saying that becoming whole doesn’t mean that you’re void of acts of kindness for others. I’m saying that you don’t enact this gesture to the exclusion of your own self-hood and ecology. Your full cup can runneth over only after it is first full. Gestures of self-care will extend to others on a case by case basis. Try asking yourself first, “Can I do this out of love?”  or “Is my own cup full and do I have the bandwidth to extend myself and live the consequences?” or “Are folks taking more from me than I’m prepared to give right now?”

These two articles are crafted to illuminate what the Cancer Miasm is AND how to transcend this state of mind if you find yourself in its clutches:

Remember, in some cases, you will need the law of cure, like cures like ala Heilkunst to get you out of its midst if you’ve already engendered the state of mind into your physiology.

If you want to listen to the whole gnarly story of my own get out of the Cancer matrix for FREE, here’s the link

About the author

Allyson McQuinn

Allyson McQuinn completed her 4 year medical program with the Hahnemann College for Heilkunst (, where she studied sequential therapy, including the principled resolution of the Genetic Miasms as per Rudi Verspoor. She then went on to do a post graduate research for another 4 years with Steven Decker to study Anthroposophical Medicine and Reich’s Orgonotic Therapies, a form of cognitive psychotherapeutics. Allyson has authored 9 books of her own, and is a regular contributor to a variety of magazines and other books. She lives with her husband and fellow practitioner, Jeff Korentayer, and her two children in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, often hiking by the ocean, and taking lots of pictures. Visit Allyson at her website:
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