Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone September 2006

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone September 2006

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 Articles Invited
 Share your articles and cases for publication in Homeopathy for Everyone, the world’s most popular homeopathic e-journal with 40,000+ subscribers. The best international platform to make your work available to the homeopathic community!Send in your papers and cases to us at [email protected]
 Editorial Team
Alan V. Schmukler (Chief Editor)
Manish Bhatia
Rochelle Marsden
Firuzi Mehta
David Johnson
Elaine Lewis
Katja Schütt
Neil D. Shere
Leela D’Souza
Shirley Reischman
Edward De Beukelaer
This is your Hpathy Ezine
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 Homeopathy Hospitals & The Unsubscribe Mail – Dr. Manish Bhatia

“…I have decided to hang up my boots and retire before I am 30.”

Letters to the Editor

Hot-Seat Interview
  Dr. Praful Barvalia – interviewed by Dr. Leela D’Souza

“Clinical diagnosis is equally important in homeopathic prescribing. In fact it can be crucial especially in life threatening situations.”

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New Papers
 Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods – David Little

Part 6: Preparing The Medicinal Solution

“A fundamental reason for using the medicinal solution [giving the remedy in water] is to make it easier to adjust the dose of the remedy to fit the sensitivity of the constitution.”

Acute vs. Chronic Remedies, the Hierarchy of Symptoms, and the Kitchen Sink – Elaine Lewis

“I have to do the dishes now….”

 Getting to Know Three “Acute” Remedies: Aconite, Belladonna and Arsenicum Alb.- Dr. Ajit Kulkarni

“Biting in children is exclusive to Belladonna while avarice is exclusive to Arsenicum and worse from music is exclusive to Aconite.”

From the Clinic
  Violent Man with Chronic Pancreatitis – Dr. Praful Barvalia

“I am like a fish tossed out of the pond!”

Status Epilepticus – Dr. Praful Barvalia

“A girl, a child of 5 years, was brought to us in a STATUS EPILEPTICUS. She was not responding to her anti-epileptic drugs even in the maximum therapeutic oral dosage.”

A Case of the Dreaded Encephalitis – Dr. K. V. Natrajan

“I immediately exclaimed to my son-in-law, “Raji will be back, completely healed!” even before sending the remedy to the hospital, so confident I was in my choice. “

 Not a Silver Bullet, But a Silver Pill – Edward De Beukelaer

“The owner is very concerned about the quality of life for Jilly and euthanasia is considered. I ask, and obtain, a 24 hour delay to see whether homeopathy can make a difference.”

  History of the German Homeopathic Hospitals – Siegfried Letzel

“In 1821, Wilhelm Eduard Wislicensus performed an experiment in the military hospital, in which the first of three different patients received homeopathic treatment, the second got allopathic treatment and the third one did not get any medication. The homeopathic method did best.”

 Mission: Impossible (NOT!) – Kelly Young, Elaine Lewis

Find the right medicine ..and win exciting prizes!

Revisiting: “Facial Tics: Exciting, Riveting and Entertaining!” – Elaine Lewis

and the winner is…

We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

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