Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets


A useful article about TIPS and SECRETS.Full details about TIPS and SECRETS

This month, Homeopathy for Everyone begins a new section called TIPS and SECRETS. We invite you to send in your favorite Tips and Secrets on homeopathy. We will publish a select group each month, acknowledging the sender. They may be based on your own experience or taken from homeopathic literature. Please identify the source of your information and your name and country.

Remember, a tip is not the whole iceberg! Use these tips as part of a complete case taking. Remember to select remedies on the totality of symptoms available.

ISOPATHY -The hair of the dog

Isopathy – Treating disease with the substance that caused the disease.

If people have a fixed idea against isopathy, they’re going to fail in a lot of cases, especially acute cases, where the causal agent is known.

I had a client whose chief complaint was horrible itching. We narrowed it down to her prescription of Welbutrin, an antidepressant. She had stopped taking it but the itching continued. She told me that people had dropped out of the Welbutrin trials in droves because of the itching! I start taking her case, but it didn’t add up to any remedy, that was what made me realize that her remedy was, in fact, potentized Welbutrin! I made a powder out of a Welbutrin tablet, I poured it into a small amount of water, swished it around , then added it to half a small bottle of spring water, succussed 40 times, poured it out, refilled to the starting point and succussed 40 times, and repeated this proceedure 12 times, then I told her to take a sip. She only took the one dose. The next day she told me the itching was tolerable and she didn’t have to scratch. A day later, it was gone! So, people, when you know the cause, and the case-taking doesn’t add up to a remedy, make a remedy from the causal agent. And that’s my tip for the day.

*Thanks to: Elaine Lewis U.S.A.

A Burning Question

Large vesicles that burn on touch? : Cantharis

Ulcerative pain touched, when : Cantharis

Under Skin page 1333. Kent’s repertory.

The Price of Gas

“Rectum Diarrhoea, painless involuntary stool falling out on passing flatus: Aloe!

Kent’ Repertory – Pages 614, 621, 637

*Thanks to: Gavini Murthy- India

Beware the Camphor Mother!

Camphor, mother tincture should be stored separately, away from your homeopathic remedies.

Neatness Counts

Confirm your choice of remedy with physical evidence. A patient has numerous Arsenicum symptoms, but you want more evidence. In spite of being ill, his house is very neat with everything in place. When you compliment him, he apologizes for his house “being such a mess”.This is evidence too!

*Thanks to: Carol Franske

Winning by a Nose

If you don’t want to give a remedy by mouth, the inside of the nose works fine and may even give faster results. Moisten a q-tip with a water potency or have the patient dip a finger in the water potency and touch the septum inside the nose.

Re-using Dropper Bottles

After rinsing them out, instead of boiling, try steaming them with a vegetable steamer. The droppers don?t get thrown about they way they do in boiling water.

Incompatible Remedies – Just like people

Before administering or taking a remedy, check to see if it is compatible with the last one used.

Incompatible remedies are those which, if used directly before or after each other, can greatly aggravate the symptoms or confuse the case.

Incompatible remedies may follow each other if:

1.There has been an intervening remedy

2. Considerable time has elapsed

3. The first remedy did not act

Icompatibles are often remedies whose symptoms pictures are very close, such as Causticum and Phosphorus, Apis and Rhus tox and Silicea and Mercurius.

At the end of these Tips and Secrets is a list of incompatible remedies. It is from: A Clinical Repertory to the Materia Medica by Dr. J.H. Clarke.

Thanks to: Alan V. Schmukler U.S.A.

David and Goliath

When, using very clear and sure homeopathic symptoms, the repertorisation of your case puts a ‘small remedy’ (you may not know very well) in competition with a polychrest, it is likely that the small remedy will be very homeopathic for the patient. It is like choosing David over Goliath.

Thanks to : Edward DeBeukelaer UK

Are You Too Sensitive to Remedies ?

Hypersensitivity and idiosyncrasy are two commonly encountered clinical phenomena. Hypersensitivity usually refers to acquired hypersensitivity of the vital force due to external factors like remedy abuse, overexposure to energy treatments, suppressive allopathic treatment, excessive acupuncture, mood enhancing drugs, etc. Idiosyncracy refers to an innate sensitivity of the vital force ($117).

Hahnemann’s 6th edition Organon suggests that liquid potencies and cup dilutions for c potencies are a good way to deal with sensitivity to remedies.

Over time, I have found that there are three requirements to avoid hypersensitive reactions to C potencies and hence some unconventional tips:
1. Reduce the ‘size’ of the dose that the vital force is exposed to $276
Hence I suggest 1 single dry pill of the appropriate C potency when water doses still aggravate.
2. Reduce the TIME of exposure of the vital force to a dose.
For this I suggest that the pill be kept under the tongue for about 5 seconds and then spit it out.
Olfaction of a potency for a few seconds is similar.
3. Give the vital force a moderate C potency.
30C is a good potency as it is gentle in that it has the ability to stimulate both emotional as well as physical change in a ‘laid-back’ manner. In chronic situatIons it can take a couple oF days, in acute situations it can take a couple of hours before the effect oF a single dose is clearly observed.

Thanks to: Dr. Leela D’Souza, India

Incompatible Remedies

Remedy………….. Incompatible with

Aceticum ac. …… Arn, Bell, Lach, Merc, Bor,Caust, Nux vomica, Ran b., Sars

Allium cepa……. Allium sativum, Alo, Scil

Allium sativa…… Alo, Allium cep, Scil

Aloe……………. Allium sativum, AlliumCep.

Ammonium c…………. Lach

Anantherum………….. Wines and spirits

Antipyrinum………… Coffee (the beverage) in excess

Apis…………………. Phos, Rhus (in eruptive diseases)

Argentum nitricum…………. Coffea. (increases headache), Vespa

Arnica………………….. Injurius in bites of dogs or rabid or angry animals, Wine

Arum dracon. ……….. Caladium

Arum dracun……….. Caladium

Arum it. …………… Caladium

Arum m. ………………….Caladium

Arum triphyllum ………………. Caladium

Asterias r. …………….. Cof, Nux vomica, (Ipec > the inimical effects of Nux)

Atropium……………. Antagonized by Gelsemium

Aurum m. n. ……………. Alcohol, Coffea.

Baryta c. ……………….. Calcarea

Belladonna …………. Dul, Vinegar, Acetic acid

Benzoicum ac. ………. Wine (< pain in kidneys etc.)

Borax…………………….. Acetic acid, Vinegar, Wine

Bovista……………….. Coffea

Bryonia……………….. Calc, Sepia

Caladium………….. the Arums (drac, triph, mac etc.)

Calcarea carb…… Baryta.c., Bry, Kali bichromicum (before ), Acid nitricum (after ), Sul (after)

Calendula………….. Camphora

Camphora ………… Calendula, Cof.(after), Kali n., Sac lac

Cannabis s. …… Camphora

Cantharis………….. Coffea

Carbo animalis ………… Carbo veg. (?)

Carbo vegetabilis …………… Carbo animalis (?)

Caulophyllum……….. Coffea

Causticum……………. Acids, Cocc i., Cof, Phosphorus

Chamomilla……. Nux vomica, Zincum met.

Cinchona (China)……. Digitalinum (after) , Kreosotum (after), Ledum

Cistus can. …………… Coffee (as a beverage)

Cocculus ind. ……….. Caust, Coffea

Coffea cruda …….. Asterias r., Arg n., Canth, Caust, Cistus, Cocc. i., Ignatia, Lactic ac, Millefolium, Stramonium

Colchicum……… Acetic ac. (after colch)

Conium ……………… Psorinum (sometimes)

Digitalinum……….. Cinchona (china), Nitri spiritus dulc.

Dulcamara………….. Bell, Lachesis

Ferrum……………. Aceticum ac, Beer, Thea, Dig (after)

Ferrum phos. ………… Paris

Gelsemium………….. Atropinum, Opium

Helleborus ori. ………….. Coffea

Hepar ………………… Spongia (after)

Ignatia……….. Cof, Nux (someties), Tabacum

Kali n. ……………….. Smelling camphor increases suffering

Kreosotum………….. Carbo vegetabilis(after) Cinchona (after)

Lachesis…………. Aceticum ac, Ammonium carb, Dulc, Nitric ac., Psorinum, Sepia

Lacticum ac……….. Coffee (as a beverage)

Ledum…………. Cinchona

Lycopodium…………. Cof, after Sul., except in sequence of Sul-Calc-Lycopodium

Mercurius……….. Aceticum ac., Silicea

Millefolium……………. Coffee (as a beverage)

Morphinum………….. Vinegar

Natrum m. …………… Podophyllum (increases the action).

Nitri spititus dulcis ……… Digitalis,Ran b.

Nitricum ac. …………… Lachesis (after), Calc

Nux vomica ……………. Aceticum ac.(after), acids, Asterias r., Ign, Zincum.

Paris q. …………… Ferrum p.

Phosphorus………… Apis, Causticum

Podophyllum……… Salt (increases its action)

Psorinum…………… Conium, Lach, Sep (?)

Ranunculus b. …………. Aceticum ac. (after), Alcohol, Nitri spititus dulc, Staph, Sul, Vinegar, Wine

Rhus tox /Rhus rad. …….. Apis (esp. in skin affections)

Sarsaparilla…………. Aceticum ac. (after)

Scilla mar. …………. Allium sat, Allium cep.

Secale………… Aconite, Ars, Bell, Cinch, Merc, Pulsatilla

Selenium…………… Cinchona, Wine

Sepia……………………….. Bry, Lach, Puls

Silica…………….. Merc

Staphisagria………. Ranunculus.b.

Strammonium………… Coffea

Sulphur………. Aurum m., Calc (after)

Tabacum…….. Ignatia

Thea………….. Ferrum

Vespa………… Argentum nitricum,

Zincum…………. Cham, Nux vomica, Wine

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Alan V.Schmukler is a homeopath and educator. He is the author of Homeopathy: An A to Z Home Handbook. You can visit his website at Questions and comments are welcome at [email protected]

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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