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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask The Holistic Vet  – Dr. Deva Khalsa – February 2019


Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa comments on vaccines, seizures n a German shepherd, a spayed chihuahua, inflamed testicle in a rat terrier and birth control for cats.

Each month Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. answers questions on veterinary issues. Dr. Khalsa is a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy. Send your questions to [email protected] by the 6th of the month to be included in that issue.

Dear Dr. Deva Khalsa,

I have an 8-year-old cocker spaniel. Until now he had all the vaccines and worming and flea treatment from the vets. I lost my other dog last week due to heart failure and liver problems (she was 11). I do not want to give any more vaccines, worming medications, and flea medications as I am afraid I am poisoning my dog. Are there any alternatives that I can use? I am a newly qualified homeopath and registered nurse.

Thank you very much.


Dr Deva Khalsa:

With most of this you do not need alternatives.  Viral vaccinations last for life. The two viral components of the yearly booster that you ever had to worry about are Distemper and Parvo. One vaccination for these after 18 weeks of age is good for the life of the dog. Rabies is a legal requirement. That said, it is also a viral vaccination.  Veterinary students get vaccinated for Rabies once and never worry about it again.  There are legal requirements for Rabies and you have to work with this the best you can.  I never ever recommend Lyme, Lepto or Canine Flu vaccinations. My new book, The Allergic Pet, has a whole section of documented facts on vaccines from renowned veterinary immunologists. These are all ‘non-core’ vaccinations.  As far as flea medications- do you even need them? Do you typically get fleas and ticks? What is your dog’s lifestyle? I have been forced to consider that veterinarians sell this stuff like candy in a candy store to boost their bottom line. I will have patients in Minnesota on flea and tick preventive in February. carries Herbal Defense Chews and an Herbal Defense Spray which is an all-natural herb and it really works great.


Hello Dr Khalsa,

My 5 year old male German Shepherd started with seizures when he was 3.  He has been on Keppra, Cannabis oil and Chinese herbs, none of which have changed anything.  He has tonic-clonic seizures about every two weeks. This episode of seizures was 16 days from the previous seizures, having 5 tonic-clonic seizures in the past 24 hours.  All of his blood work is within normal.  He is otherwise healthy with no problems – just seizures.   Any suggestions?

Thank you


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

For a homeopathic remedy to work for seizures (1) You have to be lucky as they do not work as well as wished (2) One needs to take the case. Is the seizure always near the full moon? When the pet is asleep? Is there foreshadowing? There are also Chinese herbs that are sometimes helpful. You may want to check the thyroid as hypothyroidism can cause seizures and the simple addition of thyroid medicine helps when this is the case.  Maybe he needs to be changed to Phenobarbitol from the Keppra and try that.  Basically, this is the kind of thing that needs a consult with me.


Hello Dr Khalsa,

I have a 9 year old spayed chihuahua who until recently has been very healthy. This past summer she got Giardia and then was sick for about 3 months. I didn’t realize how bad she felt until she was better. After the Giardia was gone, she continued to have loose stools. So, after doing as much research as I could I found the company AnimalBiome. I gave her the recommended dose and her recovery was really quite good. Now the problem we have is, I believe, yeast in her urine. Her vaginal area is very red and irritated. She constantly wants to lick which makes matters worse. Her urine ph has been all over the place.


Ph 8

Struvite crystals >50

Amorphous crystals 11-20


Ph 5.5

Amorphous crystals 2-3


Ph 5.5

Ca ox crystals 11-20


Ph 5

Ca ox crystals 5-10


Ph 5

No crystals


Ph 6.5


Ph 8

Mucus present

Non-crystalline debris present

Amorphous debris

The only way to collect urine from her is by cystocentesis. She is 4.5 pounds and very low to the ground.  I can’t stand that she is so uncomfortable.  I put a warm cloth on her and then use Dr Dobias Skin Spray, but that seems very temporary.

I don’t have a holistic vet any closer than about 3.5 hours away. She hasn’t had ANY vaccines since at least 2010. I did use antibiotics to get rid of the Giardia just because I didn’t know what else to do.

She eats Natures Variety Instinct frozen raw food. She gets some supplements plus herbs. She has a slight heart murmur.

I really need some help.

Thank you so much!


Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

Urine is like a chemistry experiment where you put a whole bunch of stuff in a beaker and things grow. When the pH is low, it grows calcium oxalate crystals. When the pH is higher you get struvite crystals.  Also, the irritation in the vulva area could promote bacterial growth and yeast growth which could, when conditions are conducive, migrate up the urethra into the bladder. The first thing I would do is to put Baby Diaper Ointment on the vulva area and cover the whole area twice a day with a thin coating. The active ingredient is Zinc Oxide Ointment so plain zinc oxide ointment would work well too, but it is hard to find.  In a few days, the vulva and area around it should calm down and heal. You can keep applying it and she can lick it off. It cannot hurt her so continue if you are uncertain until all is good.

To settle down any inflammation in her bladder wall, give her Apismell 6x four times a day for one week.  After this give her Hydrastis 6x three times a day for two weeks to drain the tissues.

You did not mention bacteria so I am assuming that there is no bacterial infection. Cut a small glove of garlic into quarters, then give her a quarter of it chopped up fine and left to sit for 10 minutes after cutting. This is a natural and safe antibiotic and she can have that once a day for a week. Garlic is safe for dogs and you can check out my article on this   Click the magazine icon and search garlic and the article will pop up.


Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Our dog Lou, is a Rat Terrier. He is 16 years old and he still seems a puppy! A year and a half ago when we noticed that one of his testicles was inflamed. He is not neutered. The vet prescribed antibiotics. In order for me to have him taking them, I needed him to eat easily. So we started to add some ground meat to his dry food. His test-icle after a year appears bigger and harder than the other one but it moves and doesn’t hurt, so the diagnosis was that he eventually healed himself incapsulating the inflammation. After that though he became spoiled and he stopped eating his dry food, which he’d eaten all his life. Now he always wants the meat or will refuse to eat. Then he started to lose appetite a bit. As he is old, I started to spoon feed him. Now if we don’t do that he won’t eat. I know he might be just spoiled and I get it, he is old and I don’t want him to lose his appetite, but could his behavior mean something else that we don’t understand? We also cleaned his teeth two years ago and they are in a good shape.
Thank you so much


Dr. Deva Khalsa:

One year for a dog is 5 years for a person. He probably had a blood test for his dental but that was, effectively, 10 years ago in people years.  He needs a complete chemistry blood panel and a CBC and a T4 test. If he lives in a tick infested area, consider also tick-born diseases. It is very likely that what is happening on his test-icle is, in fact, testicular cancer. Most testicular cancer in dogs does not metastasize and some are benign. You should definitely have that looked at. A fine needle biopsy is quick and relatively painless ( I know what you are thinking but it is not normal tissue) and this will give you an idea of whether or not it is cancer.

We have to rule out kidney or liver problems or infection or disease as the first order of the day.


Dear Dr. Khalsa,

Is there a homeopathic way to prevent pregnancy in cats, aside from keeping her away from other cats, which doesn’t work as she’s a feral cat that stays on our property but can’t come into our house?

We’re trying to find a vet who will ligate her ovarian tubes, but so far we haven’t been lucky and found only one local vet who’d charge more for this procedure than we can afford.  Until we find a vet who can spay her without removing most of her sex organs, we’d like to find ways to prevent a litter with other means.

Thank you


Dr. Deva Khalsa

The problem so many people have is that they think that dogs and cats cycle just like people.  In fact, it is very different. Cats come into heat every two weeks until they are either impregnated or stimulated with a glass rod so they think they are impregnated. (I have never done the latter.)  Cats are induced ovulaters, so they do not drop their eggs until after the male cat withdraws his penis (which has backward facing spines) and irritates the female’s orifice as he pulls out. (which is why the female cat jumps and smacks the male cat) . A cat does not do a human monthly cycle. During all this time the hormones are going wild. If you leave the ovaries the hormones will still create all the behavior. If you leave the uterus it is likely the cat will get something called pyometra- an infection of the uterous – and this is life threatening if not caught.

Any cat who is ligated will go through emotional torment her whole life unless you have an intact male cat to keep her happy and she will not get pregnant because her tubes are tied. To be perfectly frank, it is much, much more humane to do the routine spay that has always been done.

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

deva sept

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs,

Available from:

The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years’ experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.   

Learn more about nutrition for your pet:


About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

1 Comment

  • Please answer my q, my cat has hyperthyroidism. She has had it for 2 years. It was under control. But now she is drinking alot of water, eating more food, alot more peeing. My q is, can she take kelp with Methimazole, or is their sometimes natural that will cure this, or just help, and can it be taken with this medicine, or without. I am very greatful, u can imagine what the stress i am going thru. But i am more concerned about Sasha. Thank you sooo much! Christy!

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