Homeopathy Papers

Homeopathy for Holistic Child Development

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Dr. M.A. Rajalakshmi discusses the uses of homeopathy in children, shares some research findings and offers four case summaries of children diagnosed with autism.

The word holistic has been recently used to mean a number of different things including using a combination of different therapies. In homeopathy the quintessence of what holistic means is treating the individual as a whole and not just the different parts. Homeopathy looks at the root of the problem. If there is a behavioural issue the homeopath will first look at the circumstances that led to the behaviour. For example if the child has temper tantrums it may be due to a hypersensitivity to the environment or some internal discomfort. Addressing this with homeopathic treatment may help reduce the behaviour and also help the child respond better to behaviour therapy.

Of course the homeopath will not just take a single symptom to treat to the exclusion of the other issues but will take a complete history and prescribe a constitutional remedy that will cover the entire symptom picture of the child. Homeopathy believes in individualization. This means that if there are two children with the same disorder they will receive entirely different remedies based on the symptom picture they present in addition to the common symptoms of the disorder. It is like finding the unique blueprint of each individual and prescribing based on this.

The history taking is also a very important aspect of the homeopathic consultation. Here the entire history including the state of the mother during pregnancy is taken. Homeopathy also helps with emotional healing. In this article I hope to give a brief idea about the homeopathic approach and also the concepts of holistic well-being from the homeopathic perspective. This will also include discussion on the beneficial effects of homeopathic treatment for autism with case studies.

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Homeopathy believes in restoring homeostasis or external and internal equilibrium and harmony. It is important to understand how the homeopathic model is different. Homeopathic remedies act in a dynamic way by stimulating the natural defense mechanisms of the body. In homeopathic treatment the medicine just acts as a stimulus and the system heals itself by throwing out the disease force or in other words it provides the impetus needed for the system to recover. Symptom matching is done with a view to find a remedy that exactly is able to reproduce the child’s symptoms and when introduced to the system it repels or neutralizes the actual symptoms. Since homeopathy acts at a nano level, the effects of the remedially induced symptoms just pass away leaving the system disease free and healthy.

Recent researches by scientists from different fields like engineering and materials sciences such as the late Rustum Roy from the Material Science Depatment of the University of Pennsylavania, The nobel prize winning virologist  Luc Montagier , Professor Anisur Khuda Baksh from the Dept of Zoology University of Kalyani Kolkata and Professor Chikramane PS et al from the Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Bombay have helped improve know ledge about the homeopathic remedies and the way they act. This also helps dispel the notion that homeopathy works because of the placebo effect

Changes in Gene Expression

There are a number of research studies that have documented changes in gene expression with the usage of homeopathic remedies These include both in vitro and in vivo studies.

As far back as 1925 G. Stearns & M. Stark reported the action of microdilutes on fruit fly tumors. In this study it was seen that microdilutes helped alter the genetic tendency to tumor formation in fruit flies after the administration of a microdilution of the tumor itself (isopathy).

A recent research study by Marzatto et al (2013) to study the sensitivity of gene expression in human neurocytes to ultra low dilution of Gelsemium found that Gelsemium used as an herbal extract and in homeopathic form exercises its effects on a particular series of genes involved in neuronal function.

Another study by Khuda Baksha AR, Santu Kumar Saha et al (2013) found that homeopathic potenized remedies act primarily through modulation of gene expression and has more than just a placebo effect.

The above mentioned studies help to prove that homeopathic remedies act not just because of the placebo effect but can also help in changing gene expression and reduce genetic transmission of diseases and disorders

Emotional States and Its Effects

In India it has been the practice since ancient times for pregnant women to be sent to their maternal homes till the baby was born. This was done because it was felt that the mother should be in a state of complete rest and relaxation both physically and mentally. Recent research has shown that the state of the mother during pregnancy has a significant role to play in the way the child develops in the womb.

According to a study by Dennis K. Kinney et al (2008) stress during pregnancy or exposure to stressful life events prenatally was associated with an increased risk for autism as well as other developmental and psychological disorders. This study found that stress during pregnancy may also hinder fetal brain development.

A review study by Van Der Bergh et al (2005) found 14 independent prospective studies that demonstrated a link between antenatal maternal anxiety and stress and emotional, behavioural and cognitive problems in the child.

Homeopathic treatment during pregnancy can help in emotional healing and also in preventing intra uterine growth retardation. It can also help as a protective measure to prevent the bad effects of stress.

One very interesting research study by Prakash DJ et al (2010) studied the protective role of Hypericum Perfolatium in stress induced behavioural and biochemical alterations in albino mice. The pure extract of Hypericum and nanoparticles of Hypericum were used. It was found that both the extract and the nanoparticles significantly reduced stress induced behavioural and oxidative damage. The effect of hypericum nanoparticles was more than that seen with the extract. The study showed significant improvement in memory and recall that was stress induced after administration of Hypericum and demonstrated the neuroprotective effect against stressful conditions.

One case that I saw was of a lady with gestational diabetes. She came to see me in the third month of her pregnancy. She had a past history of miscarriage and her gynecologist had advised termination of the pregnancy due to the possibility of congenital anomalies. She was also in a highly stressed state due to the above mentioned factors. I started her on Acid Phos initially to control the sugar levels and then followed it up with Natrum Mur. She was on homeopathic treatment throughout the pregnancy. She had a full term normal delivery. After a few months she came to the clinic to introduce me to her 3 month old girl child.

Another case was of a lady who had difficulty conceiving after a miscarriage that was due to a chronic illness. She was highly stressed due to the past experience. I started her on Natrum Muriaticum. She conceived but was apprehensive and highly stressed about losing the baby and also about the possibility of congenital anomalies due to her health. She was on different homeopathic remedies throughout the pregnancy. She had a full term normal delivery and gave birth to a healthy baby.

Chronicles of Children             

The following are chronicles of four children with autism. I have selected the key points for each child to provide a brief overview of the symptom picture. I have divided the symptom picture into two types. The first are the common symptoms or diagnostic symptoms and the second are the peculiar, queer, strange and rare symptoms, (the pqrs) symptoms as they are known that helped in selecting the appropriate remedy.

  1. Master Ab – 3yrs 9mths – Diagnosis: PDD

Major Parental Concerns & Presenting Complaints

Common Symptoms:

Stranger Anxiety

Impatient & Obstinate

Poor Eye Contact

Problems with Social Interaction and Group Activity

Poor Attention Span

Peculiar Queer Strange & Rare Symptoms

Fears insects especially bees and flies

Timid & Shy

Lack of self confidence

Sensitive-Gets distressed if others talk about him

Cries easily

Sensitive to changes of tone & specific sounds

Lack of thirst for plain water but drinks fruit Juices

Obsession with switches

Master Ab- Sample of Remedies Used with Keynotes

Pulsatilla 200: The Wind Flower

The weather-cock among remedies. Mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Sad, crying readily.Weeps when talking. Changeable, contradictory. Symptoms ever changing. Thirstless, peevish and chilly. Great sensitiveness. Timid, irresolute, fearful.

Lycopodium 200: Club Moss

Melancholy, afraid to be alone. Little things annoy. Extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Loss of self-confidence. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts. Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes.

Stramonium200: Datura

Adapted to: ailments of young plethoric persons especially children. Desires light and company. Cannot bear to be alone. Worse in the dark and solitude. Cannot walk in a dark room. Obsession with switching lights on and off.

Master Ab – Changes Seen -As Reported by Parents

His confidence has improved. Now when visitors or strangers approach him, he shakes hands with them and waves bye sometimes as well. Response to Commands: Getting better in following instructions. He is now more cheerful and seems to love going to school and playing alongside other children, improved self confidence. His teachers say he has started participating in group activities with little language if encouraged.  Speech: Receptive and Expressive Language Ability – Language is better than before and is able to express most of the times by using relevant language most of the times. Also has started using long sentences with 5-6 words.

  1. Master Sk- 4.5years – Diagnosis: ASD

Major Parental Concerns & Presenting Complaints

Common Symptoms:

Poor eye contact

Poor attention span

Temper tantrums

Self injurious behaviour

Poor response to commands & name

Poor expressive language


Peculiar Queer Strange & Rare Symptoms

Always needs somebody to be with him

Mother has to be next to him but does not interact

Will keep checking to see if parents are there

Shyness with strangers

Fears: Firework sounds, fire and balloons

Prefers playing with adults.

Master Sk – Sample of Remedies Used with Keynotes

Calcarea Carbonica: Calcium Carbonate

Adapted to children with blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin, tendency to obesity in youth. Pale, weak timid, easily tired when walking. Children with red face, flabby muscles who sweat easily due to which they  take cold readily. Delayed development. Head sweats profusely while sleeping.  Difficult and delayed dentition with characteristic head sweats, and open fontanelles. Great longing for eggs; craves indigestible things

Silicea 200:Pure Flint or Quartz

Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine temperament. Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or in quantity, but from imperfect assimilation. Oversensitive, physically and mentally. Restless, fidgety, starts at least noise. Anxious, yielding, fainthearted. Mental labor very difficult; reading and writing fatigue, cannot bear to think.

Pulsatilla200:Wind Flower

Master Sk – Changes Seen – As Reported by Parents

Doing much better now, talkative, sensible, humor, very playful, good observer and doing notorious things sometimes at home. He never gets angry now a days nor adamant. We receive positive comments in school he is good at academics, listening in the class and completing the class work (hand writing is horrible).  He is communicative and expressive in orientation. Language, English dictation, phoenix, reading, understanding the short story and responding to the questions from that story are spontaneous and good. He is much better at socializing but with well known people,

  1. Master Rk- 2yrs3mths – Diagnosis: PDD

Major Parental Concerns & Presenting Complaints

Common Symptoms:

Poor eye contact

Poor respond to commands

Poor expressive language skills

Stereotypical behaviors – Spinning

Oral and tactile sensory Issues

Peculiar Queer Strange & Rare Symptoms

Tightening facial muscles when excited


Weeps easily, Consolation ameliorates

Closes eyes when he sees certain ads or pictures

Suddenly stopped speaking and walking when scolded

More response to visual rather than auditory stimuli

Perspiration- More on the head

Frequent tendency to catch cold-Poor immunity

Master Rk – 2yrs 3mths -Sample of remedies used with Keynotes

Belladonna 200: Deadly Nightshade

Adapted to persons who are lively and entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick. Sensitive, nervous, threatened with convulsions. Great liability to take cold. Sensitive to drafts of air, especially when uncovering the head. Worse from having the hair cut. Tonsils become inflamed after riding in a cold wind Belladonna is the acute of Calcarea, which is often required to complete a cure. Complaints from Apoplexy at birth.

Silicea 200

Bacillinum 1M: Nosode: Intercurrent Remedy

When there is a family history of tubercular affections and the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve. Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting one organ, then another – the lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, nervous system, beginning suddenly, ceasing suddenly. Takes cold easily without knowing how or where; seems to take cold “every time he takes a breath of fresh air.

Master Rk – Changes Seen – As Reported by Parents

Better spontaneous communication

Interacts well with children

Inquisitive-asks questions

Responds appropriately when spoken too

Improvement in social skills

Improvement in immunity

Improvement in fine motor skills- is able to write

Improvement in attention span

The child started going to a regular school after 1.5 years of treatment. The parents recently contacted me almost 2 years after stopping treatment for some minor issues. The child continues to do well and parents say that teachers do not notice any difference from the other children except that he seems a little shy.

  1. Master Am- 2 years 8months – Diagnosis: ASD

Major Parental Concerns & Presenting Complaints

Common Symptoms:


Poor Sitting Tolerance and Attention Span

Poor eye contact

No expressive language skills

Does not use gestures or pointing

Peculiar, Queer, Rare & Strange Symptoms

Sensitive, Weeping easily

Pica-Craving for Raw Rice

Dislikes Sticky food especially Bananas

Sensory issues-Will cry if blindfolded for games in school


Fixated on spoons and Cars

4.Master Am – Sample of Remedies used with Keynotes


Calcarea Carb

Agaricus:Toadstool (Mushroom)

Children are late learning to walk, to talk. Slow in comprehension. Irresolution, Dependent. Chorea, convulsions after punishment. Restless. Fidgety Wild at playing. Poor concentration

  1. Master Am – Changes Seen – As Reported by Parents

Improvement  in speech –better spontaneous speech.   He socializes well with other children by speaking little words, running, playing.  Needs more fluency in communication and attention.  Improvement in Academic skills.  Learning subjects are quite easy for him. Better writing ability finger control needs to improve when writing

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist

The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) is a one-page form developed by Dr. Bernard Rimland and Dr. Stephen M. Edelson of the Autism Research Institute, USA, for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of autism treatments.

The test consists of 4 subtests:

Speech/Language/Communication (14 items)

Sociability (20 items)

Sensory/ Cognitive Awareness (18 items)

Health/Physical/Behavior (25 items)

Unlike other tests that help in diagnosing autism, this helps to also evaluate if the treatment is effective.


ATEC Scores

Master Ab: Baseline: 73, After 1year: 35

Master Sk: Baseline:  71, After 1year: 25

Master Rk: Baseline:  67, After 1.5years: 18

Master Am: Baseline: 107, After 1.5 years: 41

ATEC Scoring Key:

ATEC < 30. This level places the child in the top 10 percentile. A child with a score of less than 30 – or, better still, less than 20 – would have some ability to conduct normal, two-way conversations, and more or less behave normally. Such children have high likelihood of leading normal lives as independent individuals.

ATEC < 50. This places the child in the 30th percentile level. The child has good chances of being semi-independent. More importantly, he or she will not likely need to be placed in an institution. For many parents of autistic children, being able to achieve improvement up to this level is already considered very significant.

ATEC > 104. Even though the maximum score is 180, any person with a score of more than 104 would already be in the 90th percentile, and be considered very severely autistic.


The modern day environment promotes a faster pace of living and continuous activity. Stress has become a natural component of people’s lives. In this whole process the environment in which children grow up is fraught with anxiety and emotional upheaval. Although it is difficult to completely get away from stressful life situations, it is possible to use holistic methods to cope with stress. Many simple and ancient techniques such as yoga and Indian classical music can be beneficial to reduce stress and also help in holistic development of the child. Homeopathy can also be a good therapeutic modality in promoting emotional healing and also in helping the process of holistic child development.


1.Homeopathy an explanation of the physics?”Beyond Substancehttp://www.normanallan.com/Sci/bs.html

  1. Davenas et al: Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE: Nature, vol 333, p.816-818, 30th June 1988.
  2. Roy, Rustum, et al. “The structure of liquid water; novel insights from materials research, potential relevance to homeopathy.”Materials Research Innovations9.4 (2005): 98-102.
  3. Extreme homeopathic dilutions retain starting materials: A nanoparticulate perspective. Chikramane PS, Suresh AK, Bellare JR, Kane SG, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20970092
  4. Professor Anisur Rahman Khuda-Bukhsh, Cytogenetics, Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, India .
  5. Stearns, G. B., & Stark, M. (1925). Experiments with homœopathic potentized substances given to Drosophila melanogaster with hereditary tumours. Hom Rec,40, 130-140.
  1. Dennis K. Kinney, Kerim M. Munir, David J. Crowley, Andrea M. Miller, Prenatal stress and

risk for autism, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Volume 32, Issue 8, October 2008,

Pages 1519-1532, ISSN 0149-7634, 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2008.06.004

  1. Van den Bergh, B. R., Mulder, E. J., Mennes, M., & Glover, V. (2005). Antenatal maternal anxiety and stress and the neurobehavioural development of the fetus and child: links and possible mechanisms. A review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews29(2), 237-258.
  2. Experiments with Homeopathic Potentized Substances Given to Dropsophilia Melanogaster with Hereditary Tumors”, The Homeopathic Recorder, 40.
  3. Marzotto, M., Olioso, D., Brizzi, M., Tononi, P., Cristofoletti, M., & Bellavite, P. (2014). Extreme sensitivity of gene expression in human SH-SY5Y neurocytes to ultra-low doses of Gelsemium sempervirens.BMC complementary and alternative medicine,14(1), 1.
  4. Khuda-Bukhsh, A. R., Saha, S. K., & Roy, S. (2013). Evidence in support of gene regulatory hypothesis: gene expression profiling manifests homeopathy effect as more than placebo.International Journal of High Dilution Research,12(45), 162-167.
  5. Prakash, D. Jaya, S. Arulkumar, and M. Sabesan. “Effect of nanohypericum (Hypericum perforatum gold nanoparticles) treatment on restraint stress induced behavioral and biochemical alteration in male albino mice.”Pharmacognosy research 2.6 (2010): 330.
  6. Bailey, Philip: Homeopathic Psychology: Personalities of the Major Constitutional Remedies. North Atlantic Books,U.S.,1996
  7. Boericke, William: Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 2002
  8. Kent, James Tyler: Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, ed. 6. B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 2004
  9. Rao Manju Lata, Roy Rustum, Bell Iris R. and Hoover Richard: The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy, Science Direct References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
  10. Rimland, Bernard, Edelson, Stephen M: Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist. Autism Research Institute, San Diego, California, 1999:

About the author

M. A. Rajalakshmi

Dr. M. A. Rajalakshmi is a registered homeopathic physician from Bangalore, India, practicing for over 15 years. She holds a BHMS and a Masters Degree in Counseling and Psychotherapy. She has a particular interest and experience in treating children with Autism and Neuro-Developmental Disorders, and has presented research papers on homeopathy and autism in national and international conferences, and published in peer-reviewed journals. An Interview with Dr. Rajalakshmi was published in the book, Homeopathy And Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide For Practitioners And Families (2014 Singing Dragon -Jessica Kingsley Publications.) She has served as faculty in the holistic therapy unit of a medical college hospital in Bangalore and very briefly as a lecturer in a homeopathic medical college. More recently she ran a homeopathic clinic in the Child Guidance Centre of a rural psychiatric hospital in Calcutta for a year, where she also helped conduct music therapy programs for residents with chronic mental disorders. She is currently self-employed and practices online. https://sites.google.com/site/anjanahomeocare/


  • We contacted Dr M. A. RAJALAKSHMI based on the publications she has on this site and impossible cure. However she behaved unprofessionally and didn’t have any empathy for poor parent. I will not dramatize and state the actual situation and let you evaluate the behavior of both.

    Step 1: After finding about Dr M. A. RAJALAKSHMI and Anjana Homeopathy I tried to find her email on her website https://sites.google.com/site/anjanahomeocare/Home and contacted her by email. Feeling desperate I found a phone number of her in Bangalore, India and called her to discuss about my son situation. The call went for 2 mins and she told that she received my email and will send a questionnaire for us to fill. I received the questionnaire after 2 days.

    Step 2: With excitement and a promise of cure I stayed overnight and filled all the information and sent her via email.

    Step 3: As I received no acknowledgement I emailed her after two days and started calling from day 3.

    No reply had been sent to any of the emails and she did not bother to send any communication back.

    Step 4: On Day 5/6 after sending filled questionnaire I tried calling her again and this time a male lifted the phone and threatened me not to call stating that I have been a pester. He didn’t care to listen my side of the story and hung up the phone.

    Please verify if she is a true and professional doctor.

    • True Parent, let me ask you, did the homeopath REALLY promise you a cure? Because that would be very unprofessional and practically unheard of. None of us can promise a cure; in fact, I always say, “I ain’t promisin’ nothin’!” The only kinds of cases we can usually be confident about are acute cases. The right remedy will usually work miraculously within a day, even within an hour sometimes in an acute case. The more chronic a case is, and the more drugs that have been used to suppress the symptoms, the more vaccines a child has had, the less confident we can be about the outcome. Most chronic cases we see are horrendous–many conditions, lots of drugs and drug side-effects…. I don’t know if you paid the homeopath? If you paid and were ignored, that would truly be egregious. If, however, you simply heard nothing after 3 days of filling out the questionnaire, I have to tell you that Indian homeopaths often have 100’s of patients and are swamped–unlike the case-load we have in the United States. I always get back to people right away but I have also had homeopaths tell me that it will take them 2 weeks before I will be hearing back from them. I would suggest to the homeopath and to other homeopaths as well to be very clear about when the patient or client can expect to hear back from you so they don’t panic. Also, if you’ve made a mistake and neglected a patient, don’t be afraid to admit it and apologize. Just yesterday I was a day late in responding to a client and instead of just sweeping it under the rug like it never happened, I said, “I’m sorry you had to wait so long for a response.” He replied that it was no problem. It eases tensions when you can admit to making a mistake. Obviously, if your patient is in a panic, distressed, angry, there’s clearly something you could have done better that you didn’t do, even if it’s just saying, “I’m sorry if I gave the impression you’d be hearing back from me right away. It generally takes me two weeks, I should have told you.”

      • Dear Elaine,

        I never promised a cure nor have I ever claimed miraculous cures either to parents who contact me or in any forum or in any of my research papers. There was no fee charged in this case and there were continuous phone calls at odd hours that I chose not to answer. I had to decide not to take up this child’s case because if the demands are so high before starting treatment than it would be difficult to fulfill their expectations once I take up the case. I usually recommend a multidisciplinary approach as I am a medically qualified homeopath and a psychotherapist as well. I have seen hundreds of children with autism in my 20 years of practice and the parents can vouch for my credibility and sincerity. It is sad that conclusions are drawn and comments are made based on a one-sided report without verifying the facts.

  • The above post is malicious and abusive. It is not a reflection of what transpired. Unfortunately it is a one-sided account and does not state the facts accurately nor the nature of communication from the other side.

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