Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A 4 year Old with Behavior Problems


Dr. Vaishalli Khangtey presents a case of four year old boy with behavior problems.

A boy aged 4yrs arrived at my clinic with his mother, a teacher in the same school where he also studies. When he entered my clinic, he was literally hiding behind his mother. When I told the parents to sit down, the child sat on his mother’s lap.

C/O – fine motor difficulties, refusal to write in school, not following teachers instructions, does not interact with peers and teachers, does not indicate need for toilet, shows resistance when taken to the toilet, does not brush his teeth, great difficulty in running, jumping, hyoptonia in fingers and so unable to sustain holding a pencil hold over any length of time.

Past history – most of the milestones delayed. He started talking later than 21/2 years.

H/O malaria 2 years back and was hospitalized for the same.

He also suffered from dengue a year ago.

F/H  – nothing significant.

Description by mother:  He is a very obstinate child. Once when his teacher was scolding him in school, he didn’t listen to her and later kicked her.

At home when his mother forces him to write, he throws his pencil. Even in my clinic when I told him to write, he threw the pen in my face. I could literally feel that he was boiling with anger from inside, when his mother was explaining his symptoms.

He does not converse with anyone.

Because he was unable to write, the parents started occupational therapy intervention for him, which was focused on improving fine motor co-ordination, improving gross motor co-ordination, hand functions and tone. I asked his mother when all this started. She told me that his teacher said something to him (she was not aware of exactly what the teacher said) after that he started behaving like this.

Analysis –

From the information I got, I felt the child’s ego was hurt as his teacher scolded him in front of everyone in the class, since that day his behavior pattern started changing.

When his mother was narrating his symptoms, he was not happy at all and I saw anger on his face, though he was trying to control his expressions.

Therefore metaphorically I took the rubrics –

a/f anger indignation with

a/f indignation with mortification



hiding himself

direct rubrics applied : anger – throwing things around, angry – children, in

mood repulsive.

From the above information given by his mother and what I saw in my clinic, I prescribed Staphysagria.

I practice on the applied mind so I took the mind rubrics and a single dose Staph 30 was given 4/10/14 and S L for a week.

He came for a follow-up on 9/10/14.  His mother said he has got the grip of the pencil and is able to write better, although not perfectly (before the letters he used to write were shaky and not complete).

This time, he was not hiding behind his mother, plus he listened to me and wrote whatever I had told him to write.

His facial expressions suggested calmness.

I just continued with SL for 1 month.

He came to me on 12/11/14

His kicking complaint again came up, this time he was doing it to his mother and elder sister (she is 2 years elder to him).

Was not listening at all at home nor in school; not talking to anyone.

This time I gave Staph 200,  and SL for 15 days.

Due to some family problems at home, they were unable to come for follow up after 15 days but they came almost a month and a half later.

Next follow-up on 31/1/15

He had put on some weight (was 15kgs only when he came). He had increased almost 3 kg.  His mother showed me his notebooks, they were perfectly written. He was well behaved and well mannered in school and at home and also at my clinic. He spoke very softly and listened to whatever I was telling him.

His whole family are my patients now so I get to see him. He is doing very well in studies. He always stands first in last year and this year.

A short journey  –

Staph in the beginning has – egotism

del – tall he is

del- large he is

del – things appear smaller

therefore he feels he has dignity- so censorious, critical

When he suffers or when his downfall starts, he does not want others to see it – hiding himself


jesting –aversion to

angry – himself with

mood repulsive

a/f – embarrassment

timidity – appearing in public

fear – social position, of

a/f anger , silent grief with

a/f anger – indignation with

a/f mortification, indignation with

About the author

Vaishalli Khangtey

Dr. Vaishalli Khangtey (BHMS, MD) has been practicing homeopathy for 20 yrs. She has studied psychological counseling (PGDPC) as well as Yoga and is an advanced pranic healer.


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