Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Dr. Jawahar Shah presents a case of obsessive compulsive disorder where the patient had fear of incurable disease like cancer, AIDS etc.

Chief complaints:

Anxiety + 5
Confusion of mind.
Thinks he has contacted AIDS.
Brooding constantly over it.

A tired feeling.
Negative thoughts.
Headache, aggravated by such negative thoughts.

Childhood: Has been often depressed since 5th grade in school. Feeling of being neglected by his parents. Much to his dislike, his father is strict and abusing. Father is very religious and wants him to visit the temple regularly.

He recalls that when he was in the 5th standard, his aunt had scolded him for not keeping his handkerchief properly. Since then he tries to be perfect in all things.

He dislikes fights and quarrels.
Afraid of his father creating a scene and disturbing the whole household avoids expressing himself; Due to this family members feels that he is of a quiet disposition.

Feels bad when compared to his younger brother, who is very sharp and mixes very easily with everyone. Detests Mother’s constant taunting.

Developed a fear of AIDS after his teacher had scared him that if he will get AIDS by just cutting tomatoes. Feels that he has contacted HIV. He had the blood tests done, which were negative, but he is still not assured.

He went on Internet that gave him information on HIV and about how tests could show negative results in some cases and how it showed positive only after a lapse of certain time after infection.

Such over bombarding of information can cause confusion in some young children, men & women who may start thinking that they may be suffering from Aids, Cancer, Heart trouble or some grave incurable diseases.

Washes his hands 3 – 4 times before eating.
His mother says he will go insane.
Has marked anxiety and anticipation for his loved ones and doesn’t want to hurt them in any way.

As a teenager got involved in the wrong company that lured him into leaking exam papers and selling it for money.

Felt he was mesmerized and confused by his friends when they talked about big things in life.

While in NCC (National Cadet Core) was abused sexually on 4 – 5 occasions.
During this phase he got involved into Homosexuality.


Ghost + 3,
Death + 3,
Being served food infected with virus


Afraid of exams.
Inferiority complex.
Lack of concentration.
Slow in understanding.
Very shy by nature.
Cannot mix with people easily.

Mixed Diet
Doesn’t feel hungry when tenseCravings: Eggs +
Cold drinks, eats Chalk and Mud, used to lick the walls.


Sun – Eyes feel heavy
Likes Fan – AC
Bath – Hot water
Season – Winters


Urine – Normal
Thirst – Less
Perspiration – Palms – Offensive
Stools: – Unsatisfactory & Constipated
Sleep – Not good – Disturbed

Past History

Chicken pox
Malaria 2 times

Personal History

Birth weight – 8 pounds
Age of walking – 1year +
Age of talking – 1 year

Throat congested
Eruptions on the forehead
Gums swollen
Wax in ear
Dandruff + 2
Gray hair
Glands enlarged bilaterally

10th May 2003
Calc Carb 200 – 1 dose
SL 1 – 1 – 1 for 7 days


24th May 2003
Feels better
Thoughts better
Headache was better
SL 12 powders
SL 1 – 1 – 1 6 / week

27th June 2003
Throat congested and inflamed + 5
Had cold water + 5
Fear of exam
Spits again and again
Desire to leave study
Merc. sol 30 2 pills – 4 hourly
was given for acute throat condition

Thuja 1M 1 dose Was prescribed as an intercurrent remedy to be taken when throat was better.
THUJA was given on particulars.
Having Fixed ideas and needed mobilization.

18th July 2003
Feels AIDS has gone.
Sleep is much better.
Goes for his studies.
Headaches better.
S.L 12 powders
S.L 1 – 1 – 1



[Kent ] [Mind] Anxiety
[Kent ] [Mind] Confidence : Want of self
[Kent ] [Mind] Forsaken feeling
[Kent ] [Mind] Egotism : Ailments ,from
[Kent ] [Mind] Rudeness ( compare insolent): Ailments ,from
[Kent ] [Mind] Love : With one of her own sex
[Kent ] [Mind] Fear (see anxiety): Ghosts ,of
[Kent ] [Mind] Fear (see anxiety) : Death ,of
[Kent ] [Mind] Timidity[Kent ]
[Stomach] Desires : Eggs[Kent ]
[Stomach] Desires : Indigestible things





Based on totality and Repertorisation Patient was given Calc Carb 200 1 dose. Although it helped a lot, the fixed delusion did not clear.
Fixity of ideas that he was suffering from AIDS could not be erased from his mind.

Such a delusion is a sycotic expression and Thuja covers such fixity.
So the patient was given Thuja 1M, 1 dose, as an intercurrent remedy.


Patient had a tremendous obsession developed during a Botany experiment where he used the blade, previously used by some lady student, whom he feared had AIDS, and now he too was affected. This idea got fixed in mind, no amount of explanation helped.

Over exposure to Media and hype created by Media can create fear in many people about some or other grave disease. Patients come fearing they have AIDS or Cancer, Diabetes or Dystrophy etc. Calcarea covers well the fear, the fix idea and the delusion.

About the author

Jawahar Shah

Jawahar Shah
Homeopath and the creator of HOMPATH homeopathic software.
8, New Hari Niwas, Dattatray Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai "“ 54
Tel : 022 "“ 2661 4532, 2661 6561 Fax : 022 "“ 2660 0204
Email : [email protected] Web :

1 Comment

  • My son is suffering from OCD last 6 years, He had OCD of repetative checking behaviour, checking his dresses before wearing, checking floors for any valuables many times within home, while going aout too, while getting into vehicle, while coming out from vehicle, brushing teeth kakes 30 mins, cleaning mouth with water 10-15 times after brushing, taking bath for half hour to 1 hour, . So, he is slow in his routine activities, He is an Engg. graduate , now doing MBA in Business analytics, but no aspiration of jobs, etc. He wastes time mobile games, laptop, tab, etc, too much.

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