Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Two Diagnosed COVID-19 Cases

Homeopath Shirin Akhavi shares two cases of covid-19, both of which tested positive in March 2020. Arsenicum, Bryonia, Gelsemium and Phosphorus proved effective.

Case # 1  

March 21-2020 8pm

42 year old woman – She had tested positive for COVID-19 around the first week of March.

Dry cough, no expectoration

Severe back pain extending to her legs

Had to lie down in fetal position

Heat and pressure ameliorate

Pain in eye sockets

Desired cold drinks

Sore throat

Chilly, warmth ameliorates

Mind:  She feared that she would die from the flu and that her kids would also get it.

I recommended Ars 30 one pellet and if improvement is seen, dissolve 2 pellets in a glass of water and take 1 tablespoon every half hour until the symptoms are 70% better.

She reported in two hours that her fear was gone. The pain was there, but the chill and sore throat were gone and the cough was better. The most distressing symptom was the pain that made her not move and was worse with walking or motion.

I next recommended Bryonia 30, 1 pellet dry and then Bryonia in water every half hour. In the morning she called and most of her symptoms were better.  The pain in the lumbar area extended to her scapula although but not downward. The eye pain was still there. She said her mood was much better, and that she had more energy and less anxiety and worries.

She became thirsty for ice cold drinks, was not chilly anymore, had good appetite and desired rice, which she had not before. She had cough but only when talking and with no expectoration.

I recommended Phosphorus 30, one pellet after which she slept. In the morning she called and said she was almost symptom free. I gave her some Ferrum Phos 6x to take 2/day (She said she needed a supplement to bring back her energy.)

I contacted her after 48 hours. All symptoms resolved except for pain in her left scapula and eye. I asked her to continue with one pellet of Phos. 30 and contact me in the morning.  In the morning, she texted that all her symptoms were  gone. She had been sick for over a week and recovered in less than 48 hours.

On April 13th, she messaged me again and said that she and her husband were well and the symptoms had never returned.

Case 2 

March 21st 2020 8:30 PM

Male 49 years old -He tested positive for COVID-19 around the first week of March, 2020.

He had high fever with chills for 11 days. His medical doctor put him on 2 Tylenols every 6 hours to decrease the fever. He was very weary, depressed and had been in bed for days. He had dry cough with no expectoration. He was thirstless with a dry mouth.

I recommended Gelsemium 30 C, one dry pellet and report. I chose Gelsemium over Nux because his mental state was wanting to be left alone, with the fear of death. He wanted quiet and didn’t even talk to me. Since he couldn’t talk to me on the phone his wife discussed his condition with me.

His mental state was then more positive; he came out of the room, talked to his wife and kids, and the fever was gone. The cough also improved. I recommended Gelsemium in water, a tablespoon every half hour

In the morning, his wife said he was much better. I talked to him and he was happy, energetic, talking with hope. The despair and depression was gone. He had perspired at night and in the morning the fever was 37.5, so he did not take any Tylenol at all. The dry cough was better. He developed a headache in his forehead that radiated to his eyes. He developed neck stiffness with constant pain. He became thirsty for cold drinks. He had a good appetite and was craving bread and pizza. Aversion to vegetables. Good appetite and no perspiration. His mood had switched from despair to frustration.

I recommended Phos 30, one pellet dry, and then Phos in water. An hour after the dry dose, if any improvement was observed, he was to put 2 pellets in a glass of water, stir 3 times, take one tablespoon every hour. I called in the morning and he reported that all symptoms had improved 80-90%.

No need to give more remedies.

Both cases were checked within 72 hrs, both fully recovered.

I texted them today, June 14th 2020 and they were doing well with no recurring symptoms.

The Thank you note from the above patients:

My husband 49 and myself 43 tested positive for Covid 19 a few days apart. We both started with the same symptoms, severe neck pain and severe headache, chills, and body ache. After 3 days my husband had high fever and chills and a bit of body ache. I never had fever but unbearable and excruciating spinal pain. I would take Two Tylenol 500 mg at once and it

would only slightly reduce my pain. Seeing me in such pain a very good friend of mine recommended that I get in touch with a homeopath student that she knows name Shirin. Shirin talked to both my husband and I, after listening to our symptoms she provided us with different healing pallets.

After two days we showed amazing improvement, which I only can only describe as a miracle. In the three days that we were in her care, she was always there for us, and made sure we are on our way to recovery.

About the author

Shirin Akhavi

Shirin Akhavi graduated from the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (CCHM) in 2020. She is also a holistic nutritionist and live blood cell analyst, having trained at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition (IHN). Toronto. Shirin also studied Neuropsychology at Glendon York University. In 2019 she established the Bio-Integrative Health Clinic (BIHC). She is a member of the International Organization of Nutritional Consultants, and designated as a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner (ROHP). Her education included a genetic analysis course with Anantlife in 2018, as she became interested in seeing the root causes of genetic predisposition.

1 Comment

  • Lovely cases well done!!!

    I would really appreciate it if the reasons for a remedy choice were stated clearly for EVERY prescription because I like to share with non homeopaths to help them help themselves and they can only do that if it is made very clear


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