Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from April 2017

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Readers Comment on the April 2017 Issue

From:  Railway Spine Case by Lindsey Pascoe

Railway Spine

A truly thought provoking case. You have written it beautifully too. My favorite is this line, “How lovely it is that our medicines from nature transcend time and space carrying their energetic message along with them, waiting patiently to be called in to action.”  Thank you for sharing this case and for helping the person with railway spine. Yasgur’s book is a gem too.

Vatsala Sperling

From:  Peganum harmala – The Syrian Rue –A Shameeah Ceremony by Dr. Roland Guenther

Peganum harmala – The Syrian Rue

I believe in the power of Hermala as it is used in cleansing rituals in Pakistan and India … but medicinally I was enlightened by the article. I am sure it will treat all the symptoms you describe.  Thanks for enlightenment … blessings.

Dr. Shaikh G. Sadiq

From:  Remedy For The Lost Travelers – A short story by Vatsala Sperling

Remedy For The Lost Travelers A short story by Vatsala Sperling

What a story! Thank you for writing it up. I was mesmerized. Some things just cannot be explained, yes?

Dr. Wendy Jensen

From:  The Soul of Remedies: Chocolate – by Dr. Rajan Sankaran

The Soul of Remedies: Chocolate

Thank you so much for sharing this important information, Dr. Sankaran.

Linda S.

From: The Mineral Kingdom: Exploring the First and Second Row – by Drs. Dinesh Chauhan and Devang Shah.

The Mineral Kingdom: Exploring the First and Second Row

Noble gases like Helium may be useful for autism. No reaction, isolation, bad communication.


From: Tips & Secrets – by Alan V. Schmukler

April 2017 Tips & Secrets

The Homeopathic tips are really interesting and important.

Dr. Lt. col. Md Azizur Rahman.(Retd)


Love your tips Alan!


Helpful tips, thanks for sharing.


From: Sarsaparilla – by Dr. Bhanu Sharma


Good information of sarsaparilla with comparisions

Dr.Anshu Nema

From:  Tidbits 45: Homeopathic Remedies For Coughs – by Elaine Lewis

Tidbits 45: Homeopathic Remedies For Coughs

Great article Elaine! Seems like everyone I know has a cough of some sorts.

The over the counter cough suppressants many take only confuse the case and aggravate the original symptoms. This brings me to the combination polypharmacy homeopathic cough formulas- OMG talk about suppression.

Gina Tyler DHOM

From:  A Case of Kanner Syndrome (Autism) by Saideh Kerscher-Nasi

A Case of Kanner Syndrome (Autism)

Dear Saideh,

I’m so glad you shared your experience with our readers.  I’m moved by how you followed your head and your heart in coming up with remedies and your drive to always learn more.

Alan V. Schmukler

Did you at any point consider Carcinosin for him?

Dr. Manish Bhatia

From:  Damaged Right Kidney Recovered by Homeopathic Treatment – by Dr. Azizur Rahman

Damaged Right Kidney Recovered by Homeopathic Treatment

Thank you Dr. Rahman for sharing your truly excellent case with our readers.

Alan V. Schmukler

From:  Cartoon :  Get Well Soon – by Alan V. Schmukler

Get well soon !

That is such a funny cartoon…well done Alan!


Ha-ha! Get well soon!

Elaine Lewis

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