Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from December 2021 – Letters to the Editor

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Readers comment on the December 2021 issue of Homeopathy 4 Everyone.

From: Tidbits 86: Robin Murphy, Misha Norland! – by Elaine Lewis


I just wanted to share your sadness at the news of Robin Murphy’s untimely death. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. And thank you for the amazing interview [with him] that you posted on Homoeopathy for Everyone. I learned so much from that.

Robin was a genius and we were honoured to share his passion……… his legacy lives on and we have the privilege of re-visiting his teachings in his books and recordings…….. each one a gem which would take lifetimes to digest!
Hanna Shine

Elaine Lewis:
Thanks for leaving your comment. We are blessed to inherit all his writings, lectures, so much material; I just ordered a new seminar from Dana’s website and I can’t wait til it gets here, though it will be a little sad to listen to this time.

Inspiring article for us who little knew about him.
Sunayana Agrawal

In 1992 I attended a brilliant Robin Murphy weekend seminar in upstate New York. I will never forget how he ended the weekend by having all of us take part in singing the old round: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (gently down the stream; Merrily merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.) I trust he has awakened from this dream and finds himself in a beautiful new world where he can continue his work undiminished.
Tim Owens Tim Owens CCH

From:  Interview with Dr. Gabriel Blass

Dr. Gabriel Blass is interviewed by Alan V. Schmukler

Thanks for this interview.  Dr. Blass is an exceptional physician, skilled, open minded, creative.  How refreshing!
Martin Earl

From: Editorial – My Octopus Teacher- Alan V. Schmukler

EDITORIAL – My Octopus Teacher – December 2021

Beautifully worded Alan. I was so thrilled to see you’d shared the movie in your newsletter. We saw it a while ago and were so moved by it. As a South African I could smell the fynbos around the ‘stage’.  Importantly, we are so fortunate to live and breathe homeopathy. It’s such a gift and a life-saver at this time of insane, satanic over-reach by those who will do us harm.

I enjoyed the editorial and I did see the documentary. I became vegan many years ago when I could not say that my pets deserved something that farmed animals did not and could see no difference between them. Today I also know that animal agriculture is a major factor in destroying the earth and is bad for our health. True we do not need experts to tell us we should act when we realize the social practices we have learned may be flawed. Funny we were taught by our parents that doing something because someone else did it is no excuse yet we did what they did without question…for a while anyway.

Especially Profound Alan. Thank you! Merry Christmas!
Barbara Grannell

From: Q- potencies and C-potencies  – by Hans Weitbrecht

Hi Hans,
Hahnemann named his development of the “médicaments au globule” while living in France, using this French language term, which we now understand as the 50 Millesimal scale of potencies, and used the notation of 0/1, 0/2 etc. Hahnemann did not use the Q or LM abbreviations. The use of the abbreviation of Q is to stand for Quinquaginta milia, or fifty thousand in Latin; while LM is the Roman number for 950 which does not reflect the 50 Millesimal scale.

This development of the 50 Millesimal scale of potencies was arguably the most significant change, comparing the fifth edition with the sixth edition of the Organon. For Hahnemann to request his second wife Mélanie to delay the publication of the sixth edition until after his death suggests that there was something very significant about this final edition of the Organon.

The difference with the new dilution and succussion ratio alone is interesting, though the Decimal scale is yet another variation, though what is overlooked is that now in the sixth edition, ALL medicines are to be triturated to 3C in lactose before 0/1 is then prepared.

In the sixth edition of the Organon, aphorism 128, Hahnemann still recommended conducting provings of remedies with a 30C remedy, and not a 50 Millesimal scale potency. How can you prescribe a 50 Millesimal scale medicine if it has not first been proven in a 50 Millesimal potency?
Peter Berryman

From: The Soul of remedies – Graphites – Dr. Rajan Sankaran

The Soul of Remedies – Graphites

Thank you. Very interesting. When I was a kid, someone stuck me in the cheek with a pencil. That “pencil” mark is still there. I don’t remember it happening but my mother talked about it often – so I feel a reaction to it seems perhaps this is related. I am not a homeopath but do self-treat. And I always read “The Soul of Remedies.”
Nancy  Perry

From:  Homeopathy in Nepal – by Dr. Rajesh Pradhanang  (He passed away shortly after this sending in this article. )

Homeopathy in Nepal

Rest in Peace Dr. Rajesh Pradhanang!
Sushil Chandra Aryal

From:  ADD Isn’t Just a Kid Problem: How Homeopathy and Coherent Breathing Can Help.  – by Kenneth Silvestri

“ADD Isn’t Just a Kid Problem: How Homeopathy and Coherent Breathing Can Help.”

Hi Ken,
Nice Article. I like your approach. I think bringing up the parasympathetic via coherent breathing is a great adjunct to homeopathy. I will definitely consider your wise words in my work with this class of patients – ubiquitous these days.
Tim Shannon

What a compassionate approach!
Vickie Stewart

From: Tidbits 86: Robin Murphy, Misha Norland! – by Elaine Lewis


I just wanted to share your sadness at the news of Robin Murphy’s untimely death. May his beautiful soul rest in peace. And thank you for the amazing interview [with him] that you posted on Homoeopathy for Everyone. I learned so much from that.

Robin was a genius and we were honoured to share his passion……… his legacy lives on and we have the privilege of re-visiting his teachings in his books and recordings…….. each one a gem which would take lifetimes to digest!
Hanna Shine

Elaine Lewis:
Thanks for leaving your comment. We are blessed to inherit all his writings, lectures, so much material; I just ordered a new seminar from Dana’s website and I can’t wait til it gets here, though it will be a little sad to listen to this time.

Inspiring article for us who little knew about him.
Sunayana Agrawal

In 1992 I attended a brilliant Robin Murphy weekend seminar in upstate New York. I will never forget how he ended the weekend by having all of us take part in singing the old round: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” (gently down the stream; Merrily merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.) I trust he has awakened from this dream and finds himself in a beautiful new world where he can continue his work undiminished.
Tim Owens Tim Owens CCH

From:  Homeopathic Treatment of Female Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Endometriosis, Fibroids and Cysts  -by Sanchita Dharne

Homeopathic Treatment of Female Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Endometriosis, Fibroids and Cysts – Case Report

Feeling positive with this mam. You truly are an inspiration!  Medicines can cure, but a good doctor’s inspirational words can give the strength to fight from within.
Your great explanation of my illness and giving me hope that I can recover gave me the strength to face this life’s challenge. Knowing that you are my doctor, I feel safe. My trust and confidence are always with you.
Thank you 🙏
Rini Maity

From: A Homeopath’s Guide to Covid 19 by Dr. Amarsinha Nikam – reviewed by Dr. Rahul Jadhav

A Homeopath’s Guide to Covid 19 by Dr. Amarsinha Nikam – reviewed by Dr. Rahul Jadhav

Thank you for this useful review. We all need help in treating Covid. Where and how can this book be purchased? I can find no trace on the internet.
Isabella Wallerstein

Dr Rahul Jadhav Replies:
Until the book is available online, it can be purchased by msg/whatsapp on Aditya Hospital number through courier service.    +91 9923294959   If you need any more info about Aditya Homoeopathy Hospital or books  you can Whatsapp me         +91 9049604004

I am sure that this book will help not only in covid cases but in any acute condition.
Dr. Vishal Sawant

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