Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from July 2014


Readers offer comments on the July 2014 issue of Homeopathy for Everyone.

From: A Case of Shingles – by Glenda Malone

It’s wonderful to see such great results using Homeopathics for shingles. Many people suffer for months with ongoing pain and debility – if only they knew about Homeopathy!

Beverly Brown

From: The Doctor vs Healer Paradox by Doug Brown

Thank you for giving words to this “healer” part of the homeopathy. It’s so difficult to explain it,because when you do, it is immediatey “stuck” like a theory. While the not-knowing area is a centre of it.
thanks from the heart, it touched me , reading what I feel.

Erna Koole

From -The Life Of Calcarea Carbonica – by Elaine Lewis

Very nice presentation of calcarea carb. The person who reads this article will never forget the charecteristic symptoms of calcarea carb. thank you for the efforts to make us understand easily.


From: Three Women and Homeopathy – Sue Young


Thanks for this. Yes, what’s interesting for me is that the radical, political side of our homeopathic history from Hahnemann onwards has largely been lost in/on the current homeopathic movement. In many ways they eschew the fact that working in homeopathy is in itself a political act – challenging the status quo in medicine at such a fundamental level – as well as in many other areas of the human condition. I know some 30+ years ago when I came across homeopathy, I also found the perfect resting place for all my radical politics!

Carol Boyce

Re: Tips & Secrets – Alan V. Schmukler

Dear Alan, I find your ‘Tips & Secrets’ a wealth of knowledge and I collect them, month after month. A million thanks and keep up the good work.


Dear Editor

I am happy that you have broached this subject of `variety’ in homeopathic prescribing. My brief response to this would be “Just keep up the good work”. I sympathize with you on the inability of homeopaths to concur on anything. Hahnemann has left many unanswered questions and these lacunae are being exploited by canny proponents of personal theories based on whims, fancies and convoluted interpretations of the obvious. At seminars some of these `big shots’ as you call them either avoid questions or screen the questions before answering them or are downright cynical when questioned. They have managed to divide homeopathic doctors into unquestioning followers of their `cults’.  All this does not surprise me. Is not India famous for its God-men? This may be a reason to be sad but not reason enough to accept defeat.

Dr. Dinesh Kowshik

Dear Dr. Tapakis,

From Critique of WISH conference in London – Dr. Lefteris Tapakis

Amen, I am so tired of hearing of one dose miracles or of precribing yellow because the patient was wearing yellow and carried something yellow. It makes us look so foolish. What scientist would ever give us credence? I am a relative beginner (about 8 years ) and I find homeopathy wonderful, challenging and difficult. I haven’t had any one dose cures except for acutes – now that may be because I am not experienced enough but I agree with you that difficult case usually require more than one remedy and also diffferent potencies.


From: What Homeopathy Forgot – Louise Barton

This is a beautifully written article and a wonderful reminder that Homeopathy works with general patterns. Nowadays there is way too much psychologizing and speculation about mentals. It seems as if some homeopaths would rather be psychoanalysts. HFA cuts through all that subjective material and narrows the choice of remedy by using an objective measure. HFA is one of the most important innovations to come about in homeopathy in many years. Grant and Louise deserve kudos for all those years of keen observation and analysis that led to HFA.

Alan V. Schmukler

Re: Tidbits – Elaine Lewis

Dear Dr.
Your descriptions of remedies are very good. You have given similarities in remedies. It would have been great if you would have stressed the dis- similarities among them also.

Thanks and regards

Dr. CS Gupta

From the Editorial: A Breath of Fresh Air – Alan Schmukler

Well said Alan! They want everyone to be “compliant” and consume as many chemical drugs as possible. To all these homeopathy is indeed a breath of fresh air and our hope.

Lefteris Tapakis

From: Autism Cure – Alan Freestone

Dear Mr. Freestone,

First of all congratulations for such a wonderful report. It must be so great to be able to help in such a tragic case and history. I would like to know if you worked according to Tinus Smits’ method on detoxifying vaccine damages. I am glad that I am living in Germany where we do not have mandatory vaccination laws. I am so glad that there are people like you around.

best wishes
Marianne Jaedick

Dear sir,

Thank you very much for the precious information on Hpathy. I am an engineer but do have keen interest and read variety of articles. My personal request , is papers on thyroid, hypo & hyper both .


Nirmol Nahar


Editor’s Note: Dear Nirmol,

You will find much information in these articles from Hpathy:

I just want to thank you for the information you put out on the internet. I am truly grateful.

Amy L. Zirkle, RN

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