Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from August 2022

Readers comment on the August 2022 issue of Homeopathy for Everyone. Readers comment on cases by Navin Pawaskar, Gyandas Wadhwani, Joachim-F Grätz and others.

From:  Data Driven, Pattern Recognition as a Decision Tool in Individualized Homoeopathy – COVID 19 – An Action Research Study – by  Navin Pawaskar, Reetha Krishnan

Drs. Pawaskar and Krishnan,

You have demonstrated that this streamlined approach to case-taking is eminently practical in treating epidemic situations. It doesn’t sacrifice any accuracy and delivers excellent results. Now one needs to familiarize more practitioners with this.
Martin Earl

From: Amazing Consequence of Succussed Dilution: Explained by Physical Science and Verified Experimentally by Dr. Chitta Ranjan Mahata.

Those “structures” were called clathrates years ago… HRI now has renamed them “nanoglobules” or “nanoparticles” because in conventional physics it is said that water clathrates are totally unstable. I discussed clathrates in the chapter “Homeophysiology” in the book “Third Millennium Homeopathy”
Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD

From:  Hanging Out a Shingle – by Dr. Richard Moskowitz

Great article by a doc far ahead of his time! My children were fortunate to have Dr. Moskowitz as their first homeopath, my son following vaccine injury from pertussis and my daughter, who was 2+ weeks overdue, and arrived with Dr. Moskowitz Rx of alternating Caulophylum & Cimicifuga. These experiences caused me to attend the same course that Dick took years earlier, the National Center for Homeopathy’s Intro to Homeopathy for medical professionals. The rest is history! Thank you for all you have done & continue to do to be a beacon for homeopathy.
Wendy Pollock DC, CCH

From: Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Treated with an Individualised Homoeopathic Remedy, Carcinosin -by Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani


A marvelous case showing the true potential for homeopathy when used by a highly skilled practitioner.  If only students in allopathic medical schools could be introduced to this healing art.
Martin Earl

From:  Coma after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury & Black Adder Snake Bite -by Joachim-F Grätz

Great prescribing! Yes, Arnica 12X for severe head injury, kind of ridiculous. By the way, for comatose patients, one need only pat a liquid remedy on the patient’s lips with a cotton ball.
Elaine Lewis

From:  Large Ovarian Tumor in a Woman of 32 -by  Dr. Samaresh Chandra Mishra

Large Ovarian Tumor in a Woman of 32

Excellent teaching- this sort of example is how students actually learn- thank you!

From: Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Woman of 61 by Dr. Prajakta Vaidya & Dr. Preety Shah

Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Woman of 61

Nice case taking, analysis and thanks for giving a clear-cut differentiation between Constrictor and Venomous snakes as well as between Elapidae and Crotalidae.
Dr. Pankaj Oak

Thank you for this clear case, with extra comments and insights.
Luanne Somers

Calling Out the Banerji Protocols – Elaine Lewis

Tidbits 93: Calling Out The “Banerji Protocols”

I see the usefulness of many different approaches to homeopathy and have had great success with Banerji Protocols to uproot chronic problems as well as acute situations. I want to be able to treat myself and my own family and using this method has been a God-send. And sometimes I benefit from the help and suggestions of a Classical practitioner. I am grateful for both. I’m a retired OB nurse….over the years saw so many health care practitioners practice from opinion and outdated information…..Homeopaths are not immune from this problem either.
Nancy Perry

While the reported prescriptions seem overdone or excessive, I’ve never been comfortable judging a situation without hearing from both sides of the story. I would like the homeopaths who supposedly issued these prescriptions to confirm or deny or explain. Hearsay is not the same as knowing.
Alan V. Schmukler

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