Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Prophylaxis Against Deficiency of the “Sun” Vitamin D

Dr.Joachim-F. Grätz warns us about the negative effects of vitamin D supplementation in children, where he states it can cause dramatic calcium imbalances.

A common medication routine in newborns and infants is the so-called vitamin D prophylaxis, usually in combination with fluorine. It is directed against rickets, the so-called “English disease” (in Germany), which is mainly associated with insufficient bone strength, tendency to bend under stress and other skeletal changes.

This disease was particularly prevalent towards the end of the century before last, at the time of the Industrial Revolution, and especially in children who had to do hard work underground in the mines and otherwise grew up in the dark backyards, in almost absolute exclusion from daylight and the sun, with great social misery and malnutrition.

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is taken in with food, its absorption takes place via the intestines, or it is formed from a precursor (provitamin) by sunlight applied to the skin and further conversion processes in the liver and kidneys. This is why walks or daily naps in the fresh air are so important for the little one.

In addition, a fully breastfed infant receives sufficient units of vitamin D through the mother’s milk. Later on, physical activity also plays an important role, because the more active a person is, the more active their bone metabolism is. A balanced diet rich in vital substances is also a prerequisite for sufficient vitamin D intake.

With regard to the natural vitamin D production, the conviction of the well-known homeopathic pediatrician Dr. Herbert Pfeiffer, Hofheim, Germany, is very interesting and informative. Based on many years of experience, he says very clearly and unambiguously: “It’s enough to hold your child up to the open window for a few seconds (!) every few days (!) to stimulate the vitamin D balance to a sufficient degree.”

Sun is here naturally the optimum, however usually already the normal UV radiation shows good effect. Even in winter with a thick cloud cover. “Going outside regularly is absolutely unnecessary. I’ve seen a whole two cases of rickets in the last 20 years, and those two kids never came in contact with daylight.” Dr. Pfeiffer says. To put it in a nutshell: If you really want to provoke rickets, you need to live or raise your child in a coal cellar!

Vitamin D injuries

Typical vitamin D damage, which is not at all uncommon, appears as bone deformities, especially of the skull and the long tubular bones. In the infant’s head, whose cranial sutures are still relatively soft and in which the large fontanelle should remain open for up to one year, this is usually the first thing to be noticed.

The fontanelle closes very early, sometimes already at the age of 3 to 5 months, and ossifies prematurely, so that with time a kind of pear results, whereby the upper circumference of the head clearly tapers at the level of the forehead. Overall, one feels a disproportionately harder head than in an untreated comparison child.

I have already experienced such striking skull deformations, where the orthodox doctors advised a surgical correction. You have to imagine this: First, the physiologically normal bone growth of the child is roughly manipulated in the direction of pathology, in order to then operate on the bony skull under the most severe ordeals!

One must not think about it at all for a long time; it can make one quite sick. To chisel open the skull of a small innocent child in order to correct the artificial damages of our “scientific” university medicine with brute force!

By means of an anti-miasmatic chronic homeopathic treatment such interventions can of course be avoided. – And, of course, if vitamin D is not used, such damage does not occur in the first place! – By taking the chronic simile (homeopathic remedy according to the principle of similarity) the cranial sutures become softer again with time – under certain circumstances, depending on the age, one can even feel the fontanelle again – so that the deformations completely disappear, as if nothing had ever happened. In medical terminology, this is called restitutio ad integrum (complete restoration to health).

A diagnostic warning sign with regard to a rachtitic predisposition is the so-called craniotabes in about the middle of the first year of life. These are palpable irregularities in the cranial cap, such as small hole defects from about the size of a penny. Light pressure can also provoke indentations of the skull (occiput) which is altogether too soft (indentation of the skull in the area of the lambdoid suture).

Further early signs of such a development are damp and cold hands and feet, head sweat at low exertion (for example when breastfeeding) or during sleep, tendency to colds, swelling of the lymph glands, sluggishness of digestion, laziness of movement, sensitivity to noise, baldness due to lying, umbilical hernia, very soft abdominal wall, teething problems, late learning to walk and some more. Homeopathic intervention should be made already in the case of such symptomatology, because then one can definitely avoid further rachitic manifestations and escalations.

In other words: Homeopathically, rickets, the early form as well as the late form, is very well treatable; it belongs to the tubercular miasm and has very competent main remedies with Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Calcium phosphoricum, Silicea, Sulfur, and so on.

An example of vitamin D injury – “Pear head”

The case of Julian, a six-month-old little infant, is told relatively quickly. His mother brought him to the homeopathic practice mainly because of his “screaming fits” and his poor sleep. From my point of view, however, the primary treatment need was an unmistakably pronounced skull deformation.

Julian’s fontanelle was already completely closed by the end of the fifth month of life! This had already slowly become apparent from the third month. Since then, his head looked quite misshapen: relatively narrow and tapering at the top in the area of the forehead and strikingly broad and large at the bottom of the facial skull.

This involuntarily reminded of the caricature of a well-known politician’s head in the shape of a pear, which became popular years ago. – “Of course” the little one regularly received vitamin D, which we immediately discontinued.

Julian’s skin was relatively sensitive. There were large areas of neurodermatitis, for example on his back, stomach and face, which his mother regularly smeared with a fat cream. His feet were often clammy and cold. In the head area there was a strong milk scab of thick yellowish crusts.

Julian was fully breastfed until he was four months old. In the process, he repeatedly cried and swallowed air again and again. Once there was also a slight cold with a blocked nose for quite a while. He couldn’t breathe at all while breastfeeding and had to stop again and again in anger.

Thus, breastfeeding was severely impaired and “very stressful” at that time. When the little boy was hungry, “it always had to happen very quickly. Don’t you dare put him down again! Then there are screaming fits unparalleled, that he gets no more air.” This was already the case in the hospital shortly after delivery. Julian is a very angry child at all and can “scream very well”. When he wakes up, he immediately whines, “you have to come immediately”.

Julian has never slept all through the night. “He wakes up twice or three times the night and has no real rhythm at all.” In addition, he falls asleep very badly; you have to go to him again and again. It works best on your arm. During the day, he only sleeps for about an hour, which is far too little.

And he has never wanted to lie on his stomach; he used to scream loudly about it. When he is going to fall asleep, the little one rolls his head. When he finally falls asleep, he often lies there with his head pulled into the neck.

In the late afternoon, Julian was “usually obnoxious”. However, he had almost no flatulence. After his late afternoon nap of half an hour, he is always quite naggy until late evening (about 8 or 9 p.m.). At the moment, he also seems to be teething a bit; however, without any noticeable symptoms, except for the somewhat greenish stool and the slightly sore bottom.

Julian had to be diapered wider at the beginning because of his hips. Especially the right hip was not formed correctly. In addition, after the birth also sickle feet were noticed, which “have subsided again” by massaging. The navel had been weeping for a long time and had therefore been sclerosed twice. Julian has not been vaccinated and is not supposed to be.

The family history also revealed the following relevant connections: Julian’s pregnancy was preceded by a miscarriage. Apart from that, the mother had repeatedly “to fight with hip joint problems”. In the past, there was also intermittent lichen on the face.

Furthermore, bladder infections, a slight inflammation of the renal pelvis and vaginal discharge are to be mentioned. From the father there is quite little to report, only now and then stronger back pain. Otherwise, there are family history of severe depression up to suicide attempts, gout, Parkinson’s disease, diphtheria, allergic asthma, successful suicides, alcoholism and hypertension.


The boy was given Lycopodium LM18, 1 drop in a glass of water, just a teaspoonful every 3 days; succuss the vial 10 times beforehand. A few weeks later, the mother reported that he was doing “splendidly”. The upper teeth were just coming through, which was why he had a full diaper almost every hour. “And the skin has turned out really great!” Julian was now sleeping “great” and      developing well.

After about four months of taking the medicine, I saw the boy again for the purpose of discussing the course of the chronic cure. How he had changed! The shape of his head had become completely unobtrusive! No trace of a pear shape anymore! Really well proportioned! Probably his prematurely calcified cranial sutures became softer under Lycopodium, so that a deformation regression towards normality became possible.

How beneficial is this gentle medicine!

Moreover, he was already standing and making the first attempts to walk on his hand! The skin had continued to heal and the screaming attacks had also clearly decreased. Only his sleeping position had changed: he now sleeps exclusively in the knee-elbow position, that is, with his legs tucked under his stomach so that his bottom pointed high in the air.

In addition, he is now quite snivelling. He also cries immediately at strange noises. And with the teething, diaper rash always occurs, which is quite itchy and unpleasant for him. – We now switched to Medorrhinum LM18 due to the change in symptoms and the now predominant miasma of sycosis, which continued to give him a wonderful development.

Avoid chemical supplementation of vitamin D? Or cod liver oil capsules?

Today, the topic of vitamin D is also bang up-to-date for adults. A few years ago it was always the cholesterol to sell the cholesterol-lowering drugs, and now, for about 10 to 15 years, it’s the vitamin D. Everyone has a vitamin D deficiency! At least that’s what we’re told. But is that really true?

I don’t know what’s being measured! But there can’t be anything right about it. For vitamin D stimulation, UV radiation (not necessarily sun!) on the skin is enough for the liver to produce the vitamin. A few years ago, hardly anyone cared about vitamin D (at least not among adults), and nowadays it is a real plague. New diseases every few years to keep business thriving. – There is a nice book by Hans Tolzin called “The inventors of plagues”.

If we really had deficiency symptoms, then you could press in the occipital skull, so soft would the bone be. This has nothing to do with osteoporosis. That with the bone density most likely results from the diet and vaccinations! There are rather bone fractures! (A soft bone cannot break, it will deform.)

By the way, mankind would already be extinct in our latitudes if there really were vitamin D deficiency here. Think of the Cimbri and Teutons; they certainly did not have vitamin D deficiency.

Once again: I really don’t know what they measure; but everybody trusts in it without questioning it and without caring about the background.

Diabetes due to too much vitamin D

Another injury resulting from vitamin D administration may result in insulin-requiring diabetes mellitus (with a fasting blood glucose level of more than 120 mg%)! Thus, during the chronic history of an eight-year-old boy, we could clearly work out that his diabetes had started after only six weeks of vitamin D administration. (Usually – in most cases – diabetes mellitus type I is a vaccination damage!)

In fact, at that time the pediatrician urged the boy’s parents to give him vitamin D again at the age of five (!), but for reasons they could not explain. They had (unfortunately) not questioned this further and gave the recommended preparation in the belief that they were doing their child some good.

However, after about six weeks, the boy became conspicuous for his extremely strong thirst, constant urge to urinate and unnaturally frequent urination at night, about three to four times a night. The same doctor was then consulted again, and the child was immediately admitted to a clinic, where diabetes mellitus type I was finally diagnosed, with blood sugar levels of over 400 mg%.

The boy was “adjusted” as an in-patient and since then he has to inject insulin four times a day; and this for 3 years now! The mother had immediately stopped the vitamin D in the assumption that there could be a connection, because her boy had never had such symptoms before. But the doctors assured: “This could not be the cause of something like that!”

However, a look at the “Rote Liste” (“Red List”, an annual published German register of drugs) – at the pages with the side effects and interactions – immediately convinced us that these phenomena were indeed directly related to vitamin D administration.

Namely, under the heading “Intoxications”, it reads, among other things: “In the case of overdose, in addition to an increase of phosphorus in the serum and urine, the hypercalcemia syndrome (increased content of calcium in the blood [author’s note]) occurs, later also as a result of this to calcium deposition in the tissues and especially in the kidney (nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis [kidney stone formation due to deposition of calcium salts; author’s note]) and the vessels (hypertension [high blood pressure; author’s note]).

The clinical picture of hypercalcemia syndrome is uncharacteristic: weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. With decreased renal concentrating capacity, further polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia, and proteinuria.” (emphasis by the author), which accurately reflects the symptomatology of the young patient at that time in essential parts.

That is, it has long been known to pharmacy, and thus to physicians, that too much vitamin D can lead to “much peeing, much drinking, and increased nocturnal urination”. Thus, if these “side effects” had been known at the time – after discontinuation of the drug – one would have simply had to wait and the matter would have settled itself.

Instead – without following up the mother’s hint concerning the vitamin D – the doctors “simply” diagnosed an “unalterable” diabetes – whereat those symptoms are undoubtedly also classical diabetes symptoms! – and adjusted the boy with insulin, so that from now on the Langerhans’ islet cells of his pancreas produced less and less of the body’s own insulin and thus a real – but basically iatrogenic, i.e. brought about by medical “art” – diabetes could only develop!

Unfortunately, this case does not seem to be an isolated one. Thus, during one of his homeopathic seminars, Dr. Pfeiffer also directly pointed out the danger of nephrotic syndrome (a kidney disease) or diabetes mellitus due to vitamin D accumulation.


Due to the effect of vitamin D, it would be better to speak of hormone D, according to the homeopathic doctor Dr. Friedrich Graf, Plön, Germany. “Then young parents would certainly have more respect and exercise caution.”

From other sources: Hormone D

Vitamin D is a hormone that is initially formed as a precursor in the skin through exposure to sunlight. This vitamin, also called calciferol, is a prohormone, a precursor for the active hormone calcitriol. A pronounced deficiency leads to bone bending, rickets in children, and to bone softening, so-called osteomalacia, in adults.


  • Grätz, Joachim-F., Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA
  • Grätz, Joachim-F., Klassische Homöopathie für die junge Familie – Kinderwunsch, Schwangerschafts­begleitung und Geburt, Kleinkindbetreuung, Entwicklungsstörungen und Behinderungen, natürliche Entwicklung (Classical Homeopathy for the Young Family – Desire to have children, Pregnancy Support and birth, Toddler care, Developmental disorders and disabilities, Natural development), 2 volumes, 3rd edition 2013/2016, Tisani Verlag, Oberhausen i. Obb., Germany

Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz
Oberhausen i. Obb.

About the author

Joachim-F Grätz

Dr. Joachim-F. Grätz, Germany, has been working very successfully as a classical homeopath for over 30 years, taking into account the so-called miasms (chronic basic diseases, disease behind the diseases) and is known far beyond the borders of Germany. The uniqueness of his form of therapy consists in his holistic worldview whereby he also integrates insights from dealing with other natural laws into his homeopathic thinking. This enables him to recognize the causal relationships of every illness and to treat them accordingly. – An extraordinarily successful practitioner, even with the most severe diseases.

Dr. Grätz studied homeopathy with the well-known German homeopath Dr. Otto Eichelberger in Munich, who was one of the first to take the miasms into account in therapy and who made the LM-potencies (Q-potencies) public in the German-speaking countries. He attended seminars of Gerhard Risch, Dr. Mohinder Singh Jus, Georgos Vithoulkas, Dr. Michael Barthel, Yves Laborde, Dr. Rajan Sankaran and Paul Herscu and got acquainted with different directions of homeopathy.

For a time Dr. Grätz was also a lecturer in classical homeopathy at various academies of naturopathy and homeopathy in Munich, Zurich, Köthen, Gauting, Salzburg, and Vienna, and also at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich for interested medical students. He wrote several books on cassical homeopathy and the miasms with a variety of impressive case studies, on the nature of potencies in acute and chronic homeopathy, and on vaccinations, and published a double DVD.

Please also read the INTERVIEW by Alan V. Schmukler in two parts:
Interview - Part I
Interview - PART II

His latest book is in English, published in the USA:
Gentle Medicine – The True Causes of Disease, Healing, and Health
, 2021, Balboa Press, Bloomington, USA.
THE book in today’s world

Reviews of Gentle Medicine by:
1:   Dr Firuzi Mehta, Mumbai, India
2:  Francis Treuherz, London, UK
3:  Dr David Levy, Sydney, Australia


  • This article on “Vitamin” D is really a breath of fresh air. Doctors and other well-meaning people have been pushing Vitamin B tests and supplementation for so many years. When I went on “The Marshall Protocol,” I learned that Cell-Wall-Deficient (CWD) bacteria LOVE Vitamin D. (The Marshall Protocol Knowledge Base has more information.) The M.P. is based on science which says that if our 25-D blood test shows we’re low, it’s because the CWD bacteria have stolen it. (The description of CWD bacteria is awfully close to Dr. Hahnemann’s description of an inherited miasm.) The MPKB further explains that CWD bacteria gobble up the Vit D and use it to become stronger and to multiply and, in agreement with Dr. Grätz, they say it’s actually a hormone, not a vitamin. So thank you for this warning about “Vitamin” D, Dr. Grätz!

  • To avoid increased Calcium in the blood when taking highish doses of Vit D3 you should always take Vit D2 (Mk7)as this stops it happening!! They now make supplements which contain both Vitamins in 1 pill/capsule

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