Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Understanding Depression & Mania or Mood Affective Disorders

Depression is an oft maligned term which may be the reason why people usually avoid admitting to suffering from depression publicly. People who suffer from depression are those who have failed at life in some way. Most women when depressed, tend to find comfort in eating chocolate, some like to drink sweet milk etc. According to research, also, women are more prone to depression than men.

co-authored by Mr. Siegfried Letzel (Homeopath), Mr.S.V.Swamy (Holistic Healer) and Miss Sarah Ahsan (Psychologist)

Depression. Such a scary word! When we hear the word depression, we think of all the terrible things we have heard or read. People committing suicide or killing their loved ones in a moment of darkest despair. We often tend to avoid people who are depressed, those who are always gloomy or talk about sad things all the time. Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone. A very old saying, yet still very apt.

Depression is an oft maligned term which may be the reason why people usually avoid admitting to suffering from depression publicly. People associate depression with failure. People who suffer from depression are those who have failed at life in some way.This is rarely always the case. Most of us suffer from some level of depression at some point or another in our lives.

Sometimes, it’s due to a loved ones passing away, or not being able to achieve something that we desire, or due to physical illness, a common type, for eg, is called postpartum depression that a new mother often has after having a baby, due to sharp falls in the hormonal levels. Another common reason could be due to thyroid malfunction, which is usually controlled with conventional medicines. Usually, we are able to overcome an illness with the help of supportive people around us or through sheer optimism or faith. But when we find it lingering on is when the problem may actually start. According to research, also, women are more prone to depression than men.

Depression is caused due to chemical imbalances in our brain, post mortem research conducted on the brains of suicide victims found abnormally low levels of a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is usually found in foods such as chocolate, milk, sweets etc. Most women when depressed, tend to find comfort in eating chocolate, some like to drink sweet milk etc.

Men tend to seek comfort in a different manner, most try to turn towards some physical activity such as jogging, cycling, walking, working out etc. the majority tend to vent their emotions on someone else, (think of the perpetually bad tempered boss,mother,father, husband, wife etc) .
People who want to or tend to always eat even when they are not hungry or don’t feel hungry when they should are probably either overstressed or overreacting to stress. In some cases, its simply a matter of stress management, learning how to cope with stress effectively, perhaps changing certain habits which are stressful may help, such as managing time more effectively. In some cases, it may not be quite as simple, especially if the person is trying his/her level best to cope and is simply unable to do so. In such cases, professional intervention may be required.

If a person has a physical illness, he would seek a doctor, especially if the illness was one that interfered with daily, normal functioning, wouldn’t he? In this case, it’s really sad that people don’t realize that their brain, which is also part of their physical structure, can also malfunction at times .How do we know when a part of our body is ill? When it does not perform properly. Our brain which controls our entire body functions including, most importantly, our emotions, is one that we expect to perform perfectly all the time. Never, ever malfunctioning or needing help. Yet, proof of our misconceptions lie all around us.

Think of the person who’s unable to control his anger, or his aggression, always getting into fights or unable to hold down a job anywhere. Or think of the person in the prime of his life, who’s always sitting down watching T.V., switching channel after channel, complaining of never ending boredom, not having the energy to simply rouse himself up and get going. Or when we keep nagging someone to either lose or gain weight (see Homeopathy for weight loss). We call them lazy, lacking in motivation, that all there is to it? In such cases, surely constantly insulting or criticizing them should be effective enough to motivate them, shouldn’t it? Well, when it isn’t, what do we do then? Doom them to a useless life? In some cases,in many Eastern countries, people think that the solution is to marry them off. They will be alright once they have some responsibilities, the family believes. How many marriages fail due to this fallacy?

In most cases, mild depression is something that can be managed effectively with certain changes in ones lifestyle or habits. A person who’s bored with life can find ways to bring some harmless, healthy excitement into his life. Simply changing one’s routine can also help. Starting a simple, daily exercise regime is also very effective. Exercise forces our brain to release chemicals that make us feel good. Joining a club, making new friends, or doing social work etc are other ways. Simply sitting and waiting for it to go away is not going to work. Doing something healthy that we enjoy is always very useful.

At times nothing seems to interest a person anymore; even formerly enjoyable activities are not interesting at all. In such cases, sometimes, simple things can elevate ones mood, things we take for granted, such as:

1) Simply taking a shower or hot bath. One can use ones favorite scented bath gel or soap. Research shows water to be therapeutic in action.
2) Wearing something that makes us feel smart and confidant, a favorite dress.
3) Applying some perfume that we like. Or simply rubbing a drop of jasmine oil on our wrists and smelling it from time to time. The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago has discovered powerful connections between smell and emotions. Think of how a particular smell can trigger off memories. According to Alan R.Hirsch, M.D., the foundation director, the odor of jasmine may actually improve a depressed person’s level of energy.
4) Changing the way we think .When we analyze the train of thoughts that run through our minds, there is always a pattern there. In the case of depressed people, it’s usually negative. Thoughts such as I can’t do it ¦’s not in my fate ¦ I’ll probably fail ¦..what’s the use?……there’s no point ¦..Etc
5) Most depressed peoples motto could be put like this – I CAN’T -, most people, when they overcome their depression, find their thoughts changing to – I CAN – .A fighter’s motto is – I WILL -.
6) Going out for a walk simply or a drive may also help.Exercise and fresh air are proven to be therapeutic.

If nothing helps, or the person simply cannot rouse himself out of his lethargy or sad feelings, it requires professional intervention. If you are experiencing or know someone else who is experiencing some of the following symptoms, please either get or advise that person to get professional help. It could change one’s life completely.

There are different types of depression or mood or affective disorders as they are technically called,each with its own cluster of identifying symptoms.

a) Major Depressive Disorder b) Bipolar I and Bipolar II c) Comorbidity d) Cyclothymia
e) Dysthymia f) SAD ( seasonal affective disorder )

The clinical symptoms of depression are:

1) A constant state of sadness, depressed mood. Total lack of interest in formerly pleasurable activities .( Anhedonia )
2) Disturbance in appetite, such as lack of hunger or excessive hunger.
3) Sleep disturbance, inability to sleep or excessive sleep.Insomnia or Hypersomnia.
4) A state of inactivity or, in some cases, continuous excessive activity or agitated state. In other words, an inability to relax.( Psychomotor agitation )
5) Continuous feeling of exhaustion, sharply reduced levels of energy, even without doing anything.( Psychomotor retardation )
6) Feelings of worthlessness and guilt.Excessively low self-esteem.
7) Difficulty in thinking, often having problems in concentrating and remembering.
8) Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

To be diagnosed as suffering from clinical depression,a person has to have at least 5 of the 8 symptoms of depression present for a minimum of 2 weeks continuously.A complete and thorough evaluation has to be made to clinically define the category the symptoms fall into and in such cases, only professional help will effectively help the problem.

The distinguishing features between the types of Mood Affective Disorders are the types of symptoms that form the syndrome ( cluster of symptoms ), their duration, intensity and frequency of occurance.

Major Depressive Episode is characterized by all of the above symptoms and its distinguishing feature is the suicidal ideation.

Comorbidity lacks the suicidal ideation and instead has excessive anxiety ( anxiety disorder ) co-occuring with depression.

Bipolar I and II have manic and depressive phases both that differentiate them from Major Depressive Disorder and Comorbidity.

The clinical symptoms of mania are :

1)Elated and/or irritable mood.
2)Inflated ego ( delusions of grandiosity )
3)Insomnia.They usually sleep only 2-3 hours a night and yet have twice as much energy as those around them.
4)Rapid flow of ideas.They jump from topic to topic very quickly.
5) Extroverts and very talkative.Manics tend to talk very loudly,rapidly and constantly.
6)Very easily distracted and find it hard to concentrate on anything for very long.While doing or discussing something,they will notice something else in their enviroment and turn their attention abruptly to that instead.
7) Hyperactive.They are very restless and move around constantly.The expansive mood is usually accompanied by restlessness and increased goal-directed activity–physical,social,occupational and often sexual.
8) Reckless behaviour.Their euphoria and grandiose self-images often lead them into impulsive and ill-advised actions such as buying sprees,reckless driving,careless business investments and sexual indiscretions.

Bipolar I is characterised by Mania along with mild depression sometimes.

Bipolar II is characterised by MDD present along with hypomania ( a mild form of mania ).

To be diagnosed as having a manic episode,a minimum of 3 features must persist continuously for one week.

Bipolar disorders are diagnosed if the individual has had a minimum of 4 episodes in 1 year.

Cyclothymia is a mild form of Bipolar disorder,characterized by cycles of mild depression and hypomania.

Dysthymia is a mild but persistent form of depression.Diagnosed in adults if the symptoms persist for 2 years,in children if the symptoms persist for 1 year.

SAD is a form of severe depression that increases in winter and lifts during the rest of the year.The disorder appears to be a result of the brevity and gloom of winter days.Psychologists have found that several hours of daily exposure to bright light is sometimes sufficient to improve the mood of those with SAD.

Endogenous vs. Reactive Depression:

Heated debate continues over whether depression is Endogenous ( organic ) or Reactive ( in reaction to a precipitating event ).Those that are linked to events such as death of a loved one or loss of a job can be termed reactive and those that stem apparently only from organic brain dysfunctions can be termed endogenous.Yet the distinction is not easily made as many endogenous patients have a lesser family history of depressives than reactive patients.Research is still ongoing regarding this specific point and the topic remains extremely controversial.

People avoid admitting to suffering from a mental disorder due to the bias prevalent in society even from those who claim to be unprejudiced .This negative attitude often makes people hesitate to ask for or admit they need help although suffering from depression is not a crime !
Some of the most famous and popular people in history suffered from various types of Mood Affective Disorders.Michaelangelo was one. Others were Vincent van Gogh.Winston Churchill.Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Byron, H.G.Wells, Sir Walter Scott, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nostradamus, Abraham Lincoln, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Elvis Presley, his daughter, Marie etc naming them all would take up too much space.

The point is, it is not a crime to suffer from a mood disorder nor is one abnormal to do so. If you have a fever continuously, the common sense thing would be to see a doctor after all ones own efforts to recover failed. In case of clinical depression, the smart thing to do would be to either see a psychiatrist or a psychologist to either obtain prescribed medication or learn effective ways of coping .A psychiatrist prescribes mood altering drugs, to chemically alleviate the depressed feelings. A psychologist teaches you how to avoid depression or ways to effectively cope with and manage the depression (preferably) without any medication. Only in cases that cannot be handled without medical intervention, does a psychologist refer a client to a psychiatrist.

However, conventional psychiatric medication has several side effects such as tremors,drowsiness,difficulty in concentration,dryness of mouth/skin,increasing drug-dependence etc.

For e.g. lithium which is used in treatment of bipolar disorders has several side effects such as oedema, diarrhoea, hypothyroidism, hair loss, memory loss and weight gain.

Effexor Venlafaxine / XR both cause problems in sleeping , headaches, dizziness, constipation, nightmares, withdrawal symptoms, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, weightloss, increased light sensitivity, sweating and nausea. In many cases, Effexor had to be augmented by Depakote to stabilize the patient.
T he links below give further details.

Psychotherapy while being definitely more gentle,effective and without any unpleasant side-effects usually (except on your pocket,perhaps ! ) when done by a trained professional, in the long-term,can be a very draining and time-consuming process. The therapeutic process can take months or even years,at times. Combining therapy with homeopathic treatment will considerably shorten the duration of the theruepatic treatment.

Many people are unaware of the fact that there are alternatives to conventional medicine, which are far more effective and without any side-effects when taken under a trained professional’s supervision. Such as Homeopathic remedies. These work as catalysts or triggers to the immune system without themselves being directly involved in any healing process. What could be gentler on the body than the body healing itself? The body’s immune system works best at the speed that is natural and gentlest on the body without any pushing or shoving externally in the form of conventional medicines ( which are really quite harsh on the body ).

Homeopathic and other alternative remedies are more effective than conventional medication for many psychological illnesses including depression as they target the weakness in the immune system causing the problem and not the weakness itself.

Homeopathic/Alternative therapy treatment is usually far cheaper than conventional methods and takes very little time in comparison. Combined with therapy, they can work like miracles for people who feel sentenced for life. To get the best out of Homeopathic remedies, however, please consult a trained professional for chronic or severe cases.

The cause of depression is not a barrier to homeopathic treatment, be it environmental or genetic. It’s high time we woke up to the truth and realize that depression is an illness like any other and that, now, we have a choice in seeking treatment. The main barrier to homeopathic treatment lies in finding a properly qualified classical homeopath who would take a complete case (usually requiring about 2 hours) and then prescribing a similimum (the remedy that matches the symptoms perfectly). The other problem is that deeper emotions, fears and phobias, self-image issues etc., surface and it may need several months or even years of constitutional treatment before the patient is cured. If the patient is unable to persist with therapy for whatever reason, the results will be less than perfect.

Several homeopathic remedies are used in treatment of various types of depression and require a skillful and experienced homeopath to identify which of the different remedies apply to a particular individual.

A list of homeopathic remedies, which exhibited symptoms of depression are given below. To select the right remedy, the homeopath will consider all symptoms, mental and physical, the modalities of aggravation and amelioration etc. This list is given just to whet your appetite to explore the possibility of seeking homeopathic treatment.

Black is valency 1. Blue is valency 2. Magenta is valency 3.Colour red indicates nosodes.

Aconite, Aesculus, Agn., Alumina, Alum-sil., Am-c., Am-m., Ambr., Aml-n., Anacardium,Ant-c., Ant-t., Argentum, Arg-n., Arist-cl., Arnica, Arsenicum, Ars-i., Asafoetida, Aurum, Aur-m., Aur-s., Ba-tn., Bamb-a., Baryta carb., Bar-m., Belladonna, Bromium, Bryonia, Bufo., Cact., Calcarea,Calc-ar., Calcarea flour., Calc-i., Calc-p., Calc-s., Calc-sil., Camph., Cann-s., Cantharis, Caps., Carb-an., Carb-v., Carbn-s., Causticum, Chamomilla, Chelidonium,China, Chin-ar., Chin-s., Chlol., Cicuta, Cimic., Cina., Clem., Cocc., Coffea, Colchicum, Coloc., Conium,Conv., Corn., Croc., Crot-c., Crot. horridus,Cuprum, Cupr-acet., Cur., Cyclamen, Daph., Digitalis, Dioscorea, Drosera, Dulcamara, Ferrum, Ferr-ar.,Ferr-i., Ferr-p.,Gelsemium,Graphites, Gratiola,Helleborus, Helonias, Hepar, Hipp., Hura., Hydrastis, Hydro-c., Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Indg.,Iodium, Ip., Kali-ar., Kali-br., Kali-c., Kali-i., Kali-p., Lac-c., Lac-d., Lachesis, Laur., Lec.,Lept., Lil-t., Lob-s., Lycopodium,Manc., Mand., Mang., Medorrhinum, Mercurius, Merc-aur., Merc-c., Merc-i-f., Merc-i-r.,Mez., Millefolium,Morg., Mur-ac., Murx.,Mygal., Naja., Nat-ar., Nat-c., Natrum mur., Nat-p., Nat-s., nitricum acidum, Nux-v., Ol-an., Opium, Petroleum, Ph-ac.,Phosphorus,Phytolacca, Platina, Plb., Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus-t., Rhus-v., Ruta., Sabin., Selenium, Sepia, Silicea, Sol., Spigelia, Spongia, Stann., Staphysagria, Still., Stramonium, Stry., Sul-ac., Sul-i., Sulphur, Syphilinum, Tabacum, Tarent., Ter., Thuja, Tuberculinum, Uran-n., Veratrum, Verat-v., Vinc., Vip., Visc., Zincum met., Zinc-p.,

Some remedy details are given below as examples:

Acon: Mania: Mind – Weeping, tearful mood – general – alternating with – mania.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fever – during – intermittent, in,   Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – chill – during,   Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – heat, with,

Ars: Mania: Mind – Anxiety – murdered someone, as if he had – mania, in,    Mind – Mania, madness – held, wants to be,    Mind – Mania, madness – pain, from,   Mind – Mania, madness – writes unintelligible signs,    Mind – Mania, madness – anguish, during,    Mind – Mania, madness – trembling, with,    Mind – Mania, madness – prayer, as in, raising hands and kneeling,    Mind – Mania, madness – restless,    Mind – Mania, madness – suicidal,    Mind – Anguish – mania, during.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – periodic,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fever – during – relapse of,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fever – after.

Aur: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – suicidal – sexual symptoms, with.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – imaginary obstacles, from,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – children – want of, from,   Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – suicidal disposition, with,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – sterility, from,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – impatience, with.

Calc: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – heaviness of – legs, with,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – idleness, with.

Caust: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – day and night – weeping, with,     Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – heart – sensations, from – oppression, Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – headache – during – gastric.

Chin: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fever – during – intermittent, in,     Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – chill – during.

Cimic: Mania:Mind – Mania, madness – declares she will go crazy,     Mind – Mania, madness – business – failure, from,    Mind – Mania, madness – climacteric period, in,     Mind – Mania, madness – lochia, from suppressed,    Mind – Mania, madness – menses – suppressed, after,    Mind – Mania, madness – neuralgia, after disappearance of.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – delivery, parturition – after, puerperal,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – climacteric period, during,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – neuralgia – suppressed, after.

Hell: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – hands – wringing, runs about day and night.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – menses – during – << – first,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – menses – appeared, have, then fail to return,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – dropsy, in – anasarca,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – scarlatina, after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – despairing.

Hyos: Mania: Mind – Biting – mania, in, Mind – Bed – desires to remain in – refuses to rise and dress herself and will give no reason for not doing so, in mania,    Mind – Mania, madness – alternating with – frenzy,    Mind – Mania, madness – sunstroke, after,    Mind – Mania, madness – typhus, in,    Mind – Mania, madness – ungovernable,    Mind – Weeping, tearful mood – general – alternating with – laughter – mania, in, while nursing.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – flowers, smell of,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – love, from disappointed.

Ign: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – abortion, in threatening,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – punishment, after,   Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – delivery, parturition – during, Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – eating – desire for, with,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fear – after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – love, from disappointed,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – weeping – impossible.

Kali-br: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – brain – irritation and congestion of, with,    Mind – Mania, madness – mental exertion, after,    Mind – Mania, madness – despondency, with, in anemia,    Head – Congestion, hyperemia etc. – general – brain – mania, with acute.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – anemia, in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fear – with – anxiety, and, during climacteric period,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – anxious – climacteric period, during.

Kali-p: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – fever, during – delivery, parturition, after, puerperal, Mind – Mania, madness – brain – exhausted or depressed condition of brain or nerve cells, from.

Lach: Mania: Mind – Suspiciousness, mistrustfulness – mania, in,    Mind – Biting – mania, in,    Mind – Mania, madness – study, from too much,    Mind – Mania, madness – domestic calamity, after,

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fainting – with,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – vertigo – during,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – suicidal disposition, with – >>.

Lil-t: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – business – discouragement, from.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – sexual excitement, Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – day and night – diarrhea in morning, with, Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – advice, if they cannot give, Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – blaming others, with.

Lyc: Mania: Mind – Quarrelsomeness, scolding – mania, in.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alone, when – << – dyspnea, in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – diarrhea, during – child,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – dyspnea, with,     Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – music, from – distant,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – peritonitis, in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – eructations – before.

Merc: Mania: Mind – Ideas – abundant, clearness of mind – one constantly chasing the other, in mania,    Mind – Mania, madness – liver complaints, with.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – salivation,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – hysteria, in – inclination to murder, with.

Nat-c: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – errors of diet, from,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – eating – << – after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – heat, with – flushes of, during,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – intolerable.

Nat-m: Mania : Mind – Mania, madness – paroxysmal – wet, after becoming.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – spring, in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – hunger, with canine,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – weeping – impossible,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – enjoys,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – disease, as from – afternoon.

Nat-s: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – periodic – sadness, with.

Depression: Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – light, subdued <<,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – music, from – lively.

Op: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – indecent.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – antics, plays,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – cheerfulness, after,

Plat: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – tenderness,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – evening – << – fright, after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – midnight – about,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – ovaritis, in chronic, and leucorrhea,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fear – with – death, of,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – metrorrhagia, in – older women, in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – food, with aversion of,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – pregnancy, during – uterine hemorrhage, with occasional and cramps,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – sunshine, in – >>,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – discontent with the surroundings of which she was usually fond.

Puls: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – epistaxis, after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – vomiting, with – easy,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – ear, with noise in,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – mild persons, in.

Rhus-t: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – menses – suppressed – fright or sorrow, by,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – prostration, with.

Sep: Manie: Female – Menses – profuse – general – mania, with.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – morning – >> – rising, after,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – eating – << – while,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – weather – sultry, in.

Stann: Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – daytime – appears and disappears with the sun,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – men, with aversion to.

Sulph: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – philosophical.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – periodic – day, during, lasting a few minutes, wishes to die,   Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – eating – << – after – hasty eating,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – dwell constantly over her condition, inclination to.

Verat: Mania: Mind – Biting – mania, in, Mind – Haughty – mania, in,    Mind – Mania, madness – alternating with – silence and refusing to talk,    Mind – Mania, madness – noisy,    Mind – Mania, madness – constipation, with,    Mind – Mania, madness – pain, from – delirium, with,    Mind – Mania, madness – ptyalism, with,    Mind – Mania, madness – stamping feet,    Mind – Mania, madness – wandering,    Mind – Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humor, peevish – mania, in – delivery, parturition, after, puerperal,    Mind – Despair – recovery, of – mania, in.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – fainting – before.

Zinc: Mania: Mind – Mania, madness – excitement – from, with spasms,    Mind – Mania, madness – eruptions, after suppression of,    Mind – Mania, madness – convulsions – mental excitement, with.

Depression: Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – fear,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – fright,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – alternating with – contentment,    Mind – Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy – noon – lively, in evening sad, or vice versa.

Other effective methods of treatment include Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, EFT, Photo-therapy and Reiki etc. All such treatments are best taken from qualified professionals, though they are not necessarily medically qualified. Thus they are correctly called healers, not doctors. It helps if you work with a doctor who understands and accepts the role of such complementary methods. After all, the final aim of all treatment methods is to make the patient whole and well. And a useful member of society.

Aromatherapy: The usefulness of scents and perfumes has already been indicated above. Essential Oils as they are called, have a fairly profound effect on the mood. They should be used with caution and the directions of the therapist should be followed. Most of the time, the oils are applied after suitable dilution. They are applied topically, or are applied as spray. Incense sticks, aromatic candles etc. are other options. If you want to use them in office, pl. be careful how the smells affect your colleagues. Some people are exceptionally sensitive to smells and may develop an allergic reaction. Same caution is recommended at home too, if you are not single.

Bach Flower Essences or Bach Flower Remedies: In USA, they are sold as Flower Essences and in UK, as Remedies, though they are same. For a fairly concise treatment of BFRs as they are popularly called, pl. refer to the article by S.V.Swamy in the February Issue of this ezine. Gentian, Gorse and Mustard are frequently indicated in the treatment of depression. Other concomitant symptoms may need other Flower Remedies. Like Pine for guilt, Crab Apple for feeling unclean. Holly for jealousy. If the depression is precipitated by emotional trauma, Star of Bethlehem is useful.

EFT: Emotional Freedom by Tapping is a good technique for dealing with emotional problems. It involves tapping on the Energy Meridian Points, similar to Acupuncture and Acupressure. Though it can be used by one self in the early stages of depression, in severe cases, when the patient is no longer able to take control of his/her life, treatment needs to be given by a therapist. Suppressed emotions do surface and a crisis may occur. But very soon, the flow of energy is balanced and relief from the physical and emotional symptoms of depression is obtained. For more information, pl. consult a qualified EFT practitioner or check out

Photo Therapy and Chromo therapy: The effect of light on SAD was already described above. In general, light and specific colors act as mood modifiers. Some colors stimulate, some colors soothe. Choose a color with which you feel harmonious. Use of gemstones is an extension since the gems do emit specific colors. This is certainly better than use of Aromatic substances when you cannot be alone. Use of flowers of specific colors or taking a walk in a park is a good combination of exercise, fresh air and colors. Green in general, has a calming effect.

Reiki: Reiki is a compound Japanese word that means Universal Energy. The Vital force or Universal Energy, called Prana, Chi, Qi etc., is supposed to enter the human body at the top of the head and flow through the whole body, exiting through the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, palms and soles of feet. Blockage of the energy flow leads to disease. Placing of hands at specific points helps in freeing the energy flow and thus helps the body to heal. Every one has the ability to channelise Reiki. However, a process called Attunement helps the flow a lot. Reiki has been introduced to USA from Japan. There are now several flavors or variations of Reiki, but in the absence of any qualifying adjective, what is meant by Reiki is the Traditional Usui Reiki as taught by Madame Takata of Hawai. Reiki has three levels, level I being the basic course, level II being the Intermediate course and Level III being the Advanced Course or also called the Master Course. A Reiki Level III is also referred to as a Reiki Master, though some Masters prefer to split the III rd level into two, III A and III B. The III A level is called the Third Degree and Mastership is conferred after completion of III B. The difference between the two levels is the giving of the Master Symbol.

For being treated by a Reiki healer, you can approach any level healer. However, if you don’t have access to a healer in your area and need distance healing, you need to consult a 2nd degree or 3rd degree healer, since distance healing symbol is given in 2nd degree/level only.

More information about Reiki is available from and of course from

Tissue Remedies: Dr. Schussler, a German Homeopath, was not fully satisfied by the available options in homeopathy and tried to simplify the treatment. He found that the human body tissues contain twelve inorganic salts and thus they are called Tissue Remedies or bio-chemic Salts. Ferrum Phos, Natrum Mur etc. are examples of these. They are prescribed more on clinical indications than on provings alone and are generally used in combinations, and in low potencies. They are taken often two to three times a daily like the conventional medicine.

Visualisation techniques: Since it is the mind that is affected, use of suitable visualisation, imagery, colors etc., helps in chemical modification of the brain and cures depression. Try it with an open mind. If you approach it with a closed mind that it won’t work, it won’t. Since you will prove your beliefs right.

It is of course possible to combine Bach flowers, Tissue Salts, Reiki and EFT etc., for quick relief.

There are many more complementary techniques and it is not the intention of the author/s to endorse any specific method. Pl. explore what suits you and use them alone or in combination. Finally, remember that the patient only can cure him/herself and the external doctor/healer is accepted when the time to heal oneself comes. And that time comes when one has completed the spiritual or karmic lessons that one has set oneself when coming to the earth plane. Spiritual healing is thus the most powerful of all healing methods and is in the background of all healing. This is of course, the belief of the author/s.


Clinial depression does not refer to the normal sadness that comes from experiencing one of life’s disappointments.Some amount of depression is normal such as following the death of a loved one,the loss of a job or the breakup of a long term relationship.It is even normal for even less serious problems such as doing badly in one’s school or not getting admission in the college of one’s choice.

People who suffer from clinical depression experience similar sorts of feelings but the severity is considerably greater.Moreover,the feelings may last for months and even years.The duration and intensity of these feelings is what diffrentiates it from ordinary depression e.g.,Dysthymia is mild depression but as it is chronic it is classified as a Clinical Disorder,unlike ordinary and temporary depression.

References used for the article included Abnormal Psychology by Alloy,Understanding Psychology by Robert Feldman & Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life by Carson,Butcher and Minneka.

About the author

Sarah Ahsan

Sarah Ahsan

1 Comment

  • I want to write about my father who passed away in 1999 and who suffered from a Major Depressive Disorder”. He was born in 1926 in the South of Italy and went through much hardship due to the fact that he came from a very poor family. He saw many of his friends killed during the second world war and had to steel to be able to survive. This is probably what triggered off his depression as he also saw his sister die because his parents couldn’t afford to pay for a doctor. He started off by staying in bed and not wanting to get up at regular times. He refused to wash himself and when someone came to the house, he would immediately go back to bed. My mother only realised my father’s depression one day when he got up from his bed and told my mother that he was going for a walk. He returned two hours later and said “I have been a coward, I couldn’t do it” and my mother replied “What couldn’t you do” to which my father replied “I didn’t have the nerve to jump in front of the train” My mother immediately called us in a panic and he was then admitted into a psychiatric hospital and was given lithium drugs. He didn’t recognise my mother for two years and the last resort was electric shock treatment. He woke up on the eighth treatment and finally recognised my mother. It was a very emotional moment but then my father passed away as he also had heart problems.

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