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Homeopathy Repertory

Steps to Repertorisation – Introduction & Case taking

A useful article about Steps to Repertorisation – Introduction & Case taking.Full details about Steps to Repertorisation – Introduction & Case taking

Repertorisation is not only a mechanical process of counting rubrics and totalling marks obtained by a medicine, it also includes the logical steps to reach the repertory proper and finally differentiating the remedies with the help of  Materia Medica. Repertory follows the logic of Induction & Deduction. The steps to repertorisation start from case taking and end by finding out simillimum. They are:-

1)       Case taking.

2)       Recording and interpretation.

3)       Defining the problem.

4)       Classifications and evaluation of symptoms.

5)       Erecting totality.

6)       Selection of repertory and repertorisation proper.

7)       Repertorial result.

8)      Analysis and prescription.

Case Taking

Dr. Kent once mentioned to his followers, ‘There are a lot of symptoms, but there is no case’. What is the case then? A case comprises of symptoms which, gives the totality of a person’s suffering. The totality of symptoms, forms a case for the physician. In every event there exists a totality provided an expert can perceive it; likewise, in every alteration of state of health a totality exists which can be perceived by a physician.

Case taking is the first step, and the outcome of treatment entirely depends upon the success of this first step. Any mistake committed here would certainly interfere in the selection of drugs and planning of the treatment.

A physician should be clear about his job in the beginning itself and must possess a clear understanding about the case. For Homoeopathic physician, expressions at all levels, mental,  physical, general and particular, are required to individualize the person as well as to diagnose the condition. If this is clear in the beginning, case taking will be on the right lines.

It is a unique art of getting  into conversation, of serving and collecting data from patient as well as from the bystanders to define the patient as a person and disease. The purpose is to understand both the person and the disease. This particular method and approach is different from other  systems of medicine

There has been much discussion on case taking by many stalwarts and this subject has been dealt-with at length but still many make mistakes while applying this art in practice. This being an art, the individual skill plays an important role in applying the rules of case taking. It is difficult to apply a uniform standard in all the cases and in respect of all physicians.

In case taking, physician applies his ability and skills of communication keeping in view his objective. As case taking is individualized in approach, there are several suggestions offered and numerous models of case taking forms are available to the practitioners. Some are in the form of questionnaires, some in the form of multiple choice questions, and so on. Dr Dhawale has devised a Standardized Case Record which has a fixed form, structure and function. It can be most useful to the profession if used properly.

Dr  Hahnemann has described the necessary guidelines  which should  be taken into consideration while taking a case, in aphorisms 83-104 of Organon of Medicine. Throughout the process of case taking, the patient should be cooperative. He should be assured of the confidentiality of data. If patient narrates well and fully, the task becomes easier for the physician. Apart from the collection of data, case taking has got its own therapeutic value in certain type of cases, if not all.

Personal experience in certain cases has  convinced the author about the therapeutic value of it. Many patients ventilate  certain experiences unexpressed for years which keep on disturbing them and giving rise to very many  physical and  mental symptoms. Very often  after the case taking, the patient says, “Doctor, I feel much relieved after talking to you”, and then  a simillimum completes  its job. It should be  a free exchange  between the patient and  the physician. Both verbal and non-verbal communication of the physician can either encourage or discourage the patient in opening up  various  events and their effects on him.

It is a very delicate, yet dynamic situation, where the physician  should remain attentive so that  disclosures are properly received.  Physician should be aware of is own problems of communication  to gain more from this highly dynamic process. In some cases, even if one thread is missed, arriving at the totality would become difficult. Nothing else should keep the  physician occupied other than the case taking. To understand the feelings properly, a physician should be expert in role playing.

He should acknowledge the feelings of the patient, but empathy should replace sympathy while dealing with sensitive cases. At the end of the interview with the patient, physician should have a clear definition of the problem. This is not always easy to achieve. If physician remains in confusion at the level of case taking, further steps in repertorisation would become intractable. A shaky foundation would certainly mar even the best of the superstructure.

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  • Sir, i want to mention you that i am a student of HOMOEOPATHY,passed out from DR Abhin Chandra Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,Bhubeneswar.I had just started practicing at my home tome SAMBALPUR,i had also attended one of your seminar i want to know detail regarding REPERTORISATION and going to start it in my clinic.Your above article is highly informative but not enough for a begginner like kindly guide me.Give some tips. THANK YOU , SIR

  • Dear sir,
    The article is informative and it is true that the eight steps pointed by you should sincerely
    be followed by every practitioner to proper repertorisation .After all homoeopathy is an art and science.Thank you sir.

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