Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone November 2009

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone November 2009

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What did you like in this issue?What other topics would you like us to address? What would you like us to add, change or improve on? Send your feedback, ideas and suggestions to us at [email protected]
Articles Invited
Share your articles and cases for publication in Homeopathy for Everyone, the world’s most popular homeopathic e-journal with 40,000+ subscribers. The best international platform to make your work available to the homeopathic community!Send in your papers and cases to us at [email protected]
Editorial Team
Alan V. Schmukler (Chief Editor)
Manish Bhatia
Rochelle Marsden
Firuzi Mehta
David Johnson
Elaine Lewis
Katja Schütt
Neil D. Shere
Leela D’Souza
Shirley Reischman
Edward De Beukelaer
This is your Hpathy Ezine
Published – 2011 –

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Catch Them Young! – Dr. Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor

Homeopath in the Hot Seat
Lionel Milgrom – interviewed by Manish Bhatia
Buy Homeopathy Books from Hpathy
New Papers
Clinical Trials in Homeopathy. What are we looking for? – George Vithoulkas, S. Kivellos

Toward a Unified Theory of Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine – Lionel Milgrom

Clinical Research Evidence in Homeopathy Present and Future – Robert Mathie

Homeopahy and Immunology: The Rationale of the Simile – Paolo Bellavite

The Memory of Water – Martin Chaplin

A New Geometrical Description of Entanglement and the Curative Homeopathic Process – Lionel Milgrom

Hydrobiotronics – Salvatore Raino

Yer Queen is a Witch and Quack??!! – Dr. Quack

Homeopathic Arsenicum Album May Help Victims of Arsenic Poisoning Caused by Contaminated Groundwater – Prof. A.R. Khuda Bukhsh

Research Challenges in Homeopathy – Dr. Ubiratan C. Adler

A Critical Examination of the Evidence for the Use of Individualised Homeopathic Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis – Jacqueline Dodding

Use of Homeopathy in Treatment of Diabetes: Prevalence and Correlates – Dhiman Roy

Homeopathy and Musculoskeletal Disorders: An Overview and Critique of Available Research – Sharon Townhill

Research Evidence for Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in Children Using Individualized (classical) Homeopathy – Leela

A Critical Overview of Current Evidence of Homeopathic Treatment of Malignant Tumours in Humans – Charlotte Yde

An Investigation into Whole Systems Research as an Appropriate Methodology for the Advancement in Understanding of Homeopathy as a Complex Therapeutic Intervention – Ilana Dannheisser

Research in Homeopathy and Influenza – Robert T Mathie for HRI Newsletter

Homeopathy for Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Dr. Manish Bhatia

Tips and Secrets: 31 – Alan V. Schmukler

When the Remedy Doesn’t Work – Energy has to flow! – Marc Van Wijk

Mappa Mundi Method and Its Applications to Homeopathy – Claudia De Rosa

A Brief introduction to Oscar Boericke’s Repertory – Dr. Krishnendu Maity

From the Clinic
A Case of Burnout and Exhaustion – David Johnson
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP): Case Management and Suggested New Rubrics Developed From 500 Cases – Irene de Villiers
More Than Words!
November 09 Cartoon – Double Blind Studies – Alan Schmukler
QUIZStuffed Up for a Month!– Elaine Lewis & Shana Lewis

Revisiting: Annoying Coughing and Sniffing in the Middle of the Night – Elaine Lewis

Agro Homeopathy
Ask The Plant Doctor
We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

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