Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers Materia Medica

Kalium Silicicum – Excerpted from: Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share their materia medica of Kalium Silicicum excerpted from their book, Absolute Homeopathic Materia medica.

Silicate of Potash

Mucous membranes
Right side

COLD: Weather, dry or wet room; becoming; Winter
Open air; drafts
Bath. Uncovering
NIGHT; after MIDNIGHT, evening
Suppressed sweat
Exertion, even slight. Motion. Walking (fast)
Lying (respiration)
Touch and pressure
Coition; sexual excesses
Mental exertion

Heat; summer. Covering up
Lying. Rest




  • Deep acting chilly and cryophobic; uncompromising chilliness. Considered a chemical Chilly people who are weak and therefore want to keep still and rest; are averse to open air and bath; are constantly taking cold; and waiting for the arrival of summer. Lack of reaction (Psor.); syphiltic base; scrofulous. Emaciation.


  • Mucous secretions increased; bloody, offensive, thick, yellow.


  • In glands; muscles; under skin; arthritic (gouty). Warts: painful, stinging suppurate (and then wither).


  • Scrofulous; swelling of facial, cervical and axillary.


  • Trembling all over; esp. in the abdomen. Formications. Pains pressing, sore, cutting. Rheumatism. Lassitude; weak, weary and chilly; must constantly lie down (Psor.).
  • Long-lasting weakness after straining muscles; in chest, loins, joints.


  • Fatty (as in other KALIs.).


  • Small wounds do not heal, go into suppuration.


  • Absent-minded, difficult concentration, confusion, forgetfulness, misplaces words, makes mistakes in reading and writing;
  • Depressed: Indifference (to everything), wavering, loss of ambition and will power, diffidence, indecision; mentally done up and almost imbecile; at worst, brain fag.
  • Weeping disposition. Consolation < the mental set-up. Angry over trifles. Capriciousness. After coition irritable or diffident and timid. Apprehensive anxiety.
  • Full of imaginations about dead people. Fantastic illusions. Hysterical. Timid. Restless at night and sadness in the morning.



  • Congestion; vertigo; as if intoxicated; inclination to fall backwards; but head cold.
  • Headaches: Catarrhal; from any exertion; from depletion; cold exposure. Head sensitive to everything cold; > heat and rest.


  • Scrofulous eye troubles. Ophthalmia, > heat, discharge thick, yellow. Lachrymation in cold air. Photophobia to daylight. Conjunctivitis. Eczema around eyes.
  • Vision disturbances. Cataract. Corneal opacity. Paralysis of optic nerve.


  • Hearing acute, esp. to noises; later deafness (catarrhal). Congested, from cold; tinnitus (flapping, roaring). Pain esp. right, > heat.
  • Otorrhea; thick, offensive, purulent and bloody.


  • Recurrent catarrhs. Frequent sneezing. Discharge acrid, bloody, offensive, thick, greenish or yellow.
  • Dryness and great soreness of nose. Swelling. Obstruction. Crust formation. Ulceration.


  • Lips dry, cracked, ulcerated, crusts on lower. Glands parotid and submaxillary inflamed, swollen.
  • Discoloration: Bluish, red, pale. Moist eczema.


  • Dry, no thirst. Swollen gums and tongue. Fetor. Aphthae. Swollen tonsils, impeding swallowing.


  • Appetite ravenous but more usually lost. Averse to meat.
  • Worse after: Cold food and drink, milk, fats. Tight, heavy, distended feeling in stomach and abdomen from obstructed flatulence, > after belching. Hiccough.
  • Nausea: With vertigo or headache, < after eating.
  • Vomiting: Watery, bilious, of ingesta; after coughing.
  • Cold feeling or anxiety in stomach. Pain in liver region.


  • Constriction of anus; during stool. Itching after stool. Soreness, cutting pains. Ulcerating, protruding, bleeding piles. Fistula.
  • Constipation or diarrhea; worse during menses. Dysentery.


  • Bladder catarrh. Micturition slow to start, leaves unfinished sensation, dribbling.
  • Urine: Cloudy, red sediment. Urine burns.


  • Induration or swelling of testes. Desire first increased, then lost. Seminal emissions.


  • Soreness in genitals. Pruritus and eruptions on. Dragging down feeling in pelvis; prolapse; labor-like pains at menses.
  • Menses: Too early or late, intermittent flow, offensive; suppressed.
  • Leucorrhea: Excoriating, yellow.


  • Catarrh of air passages and chest. While lying dyspnea and violent, spasmodic and paroxysmal cough, (resembling whooping cough).
  • Expectoration: Morning, purulent, viscid, yellow, bloody.
  • Stitching in chest on inspiring and coughing. Abscess of lung. Dropsy of pleura. Phthisis. Orgasms, from chest to head. Great weakness of chest (Stann.).


  • Palpitation on excitement, exertion.


  • Feels cold. Pain; during menses. Lumbago; weak feeling in. Stiff neck. Whole spine is sore.


  • Stiffness (all over). Rheumatic/bruised pains. Formication. Cramps in hands and calves.
  • Pain in joints; sprained feeling; arthritic nodosities.
  • Twitching (esp. thighs). Hands crack in cold weather. Hip-joint disease. Paralysis, esp. lower limbs.


  • Restless sleep.
  • Dreams: Of dead people, death, water, frightful, nightmares.


  • Tension in. Dry. Cracks in. Old scars become painful (Graph.). Liver spots. Itching, > heat. Pimples.
  • Eczema; stubborn cases, , Psor., Sulph. etc. failing. Scabby eruptions, after scratching. Nodular urticaria. Herpes. Intertrigo. Ulcers; discharge bloody, purulent. Lupus. Wounds do not heal.


  • Chill: One sided; with thirst, < cold, > heat.
  • Fever: Alternating with sweat. Flushes of heat.
  • Sweat: Easy; nightly (during sleep); of palms; offensive, of feet and between toes; checked in cold air produces many symptoms.


  • Compare: Kali-ar., Graph., Psor. (a nearest analogue and counterpart), , X-ray.
  • Alum-sil. is ataxic., Calc-sil. is a poly-(stubborn-) chronic, Kali-sil. is catarrhal, Nat-sil. is irritated and all are cold and chilly and imclude several features.

About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]

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