Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets – April 2013

More for your collection of Alan Schmukler’s tips!

More Restrictions on Homeopathy

Since July 2012 in the Netherlands, it is forbidden by law for homeopathic products to mention any use of the product on the label or in flyers.

That  cell phone or microwave oven can whack your remedies

Potentized Thyroxine slows metamorphosis of Highland Frogs. However, when the potentized Thyroxine was exposed to microwave oven or cell phone radiation, the effect did not occur.

Thanks to Dhiru Nathwani


Red :  CON, Psor, mur ac.

Black x : PULS,  elaps

Hardened : PULS,  Con, all-s, elaps, lach, sel.

Pale :  LACH

Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Robin Murphy ND

Hitting Behavior in Children

CHAM, CINA, Tub, chel, cur. lyc

Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Robin Murphy ND

Four Tips from Dr. E.A. Farrington

Rhus tox, seems to be the best remedy we have for lumbago, whether the pains are better from motion or not. It seems to have a special affinity for the deep muscles of the back.

Lycopodium is the most important remedy we have in impending paralysis of the brain; by that I mean to say that it is the most frequently indicated.

Sepia is the best remedy we have for small ulcers about the joints of the fingers.

Podophyllum has early morning diarrhea, hurrying the patient out of bed. Like Sulphur, the stools are of a changeable color. It differs from Sulphur in that the diarrhoea continues through the whole day, although worse at noon. Then, too, with Sulphur you will almost always find the tendency to soreness and rawness of the anus.

E.A. Farrington – Clinical Materia Medica

Syphilitic Indications

Children who have weak wrist and ankle joints, who have difficulty in holding on to objects, who drop things easily, who are clumsy in getting about and stumble over a straw, are manifesting the effects of the combined syphilis and psora, for this combination affects the tendons about the joints by weakening them so that they will not stand the strain of much use.

The principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy – H.A. Roberts, M.D.   

Painful Teething in Dogs

Considerable disturbance not infrequently arises when the temporary teeth become loose preparatory to their being replaced by the permanent set. Unless these loose teeth readily fall out of themselves, or are drawn, they set up much pain and irritation.

Belladonna is the best remedy when the animal is feverish and suffers much pain, and when the gums are tender to the touch.

Calcarea is of use when the teeth are slow in appearing, as the result of constitutional weakness.

Handy Book of Veterinary Homoeopathy – James Moore

Constantine Hering’s Microscope

Dr. Hering was a great worker with the microscope, and he owned one of the largest and best, made by Zentmayer in Philadelphia. I think he told me that it cost, with accessories, $750.00.

Life And Reminiscences of Constantine Hering. By Arthur M. Eastman, M. D.   – Hahnemannian  Monthly -Volume-Two January To December I917.

Some Tips from W.A. Dewey

Nitric acid and Millefolium occupy the first place in haemorrhages from the bowels.

Passiflora has cured tetanus in hot countries. It has to be given in large doses.

Gelsemium is indicated in businessmen who pass restless nights, awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs.

Iodium in pneumonia:  Iodium has high fever and restlessness like Aconite and there is a tendency to rapid extension of the hepatization. Dr. Kafka  prescribed drop doses of Iodium in the 1st, 2d or 3d dilution every hour or so as soon as physical signs of pneumonia showed themselves, and claimed that it would arrest the process of hepatization within 24 hours.

Practical  Homoeopathic Therapeutics -Ed. W. A. DEWEY, M. D. (1901)

Oleum Jecoris

Ailments from faulty nutrition. Atrophy of infants, emaciation with hot hands and head, restless and feverish at night. Cannot tolerate milk. Pains in liver region. Beginning stages of tuberculosis.  Worse motion, touch, stooping, draft of air.

Lotus Materia Medica – Robin Murphy ND

Early Appendicitis

In mild cases of appendicitis and in the early stage, Aconite, Belladonna and Bryonia seem to afford much relief.

Aconite — Chill, fever and thirst, with nausea and vomiting, fear and restlessness; pulse full and rapid.  Skin dry and hot.

Belladonna — Gripping, clutching pain ; cannot bear jar or noise; face fiery red; head throbbing with pain and excitement.

Bryonia — The pains are sharp over the appendix; cannot move or be moved. Nausea on rising; begs to be left quiet. Bryonia has proven a valuable remedy in many cases.

Myron H. Adams, M. D.,  (1913 ) Practical Guide to Homeopathic Treatment

Changing from Hot to Cold

Pulsatilla is a hot-blooded patient, but after using that remedy a while you notice that the patient goes to the other extreme and becomes chilly, and wants much clothing; the heat is taken out of the case. Silicea is the natural follower of Pulsatilla, and you would be astonished to know how often a patient leaving Pulsatilla runs toward Silicea

Lectures on Homœopathic Materia Medica  Dr. James Tyler Kent

The Basics

“It is better for a homoeopath to have a thorough mastery of the few leading remedies than to have an inadequate acquaintance with a large number.”

The Homeopathic Materia Medica – How It Should Be Studied -Noel Puddephat

Altering Breech Birth with a Remedy

Crude materialists will undoubtedly scoff at the idea of turning the foetus in the uterus with an internally administered drug, but when it is realized that all mal-positions are the result of abnormal pressure in or on the uterus it is evident that if the muscles of the organ act properly the contents must take the position to which their shape naturally adapts them—that is, the normal position. The subtle influence of the Homoeopathically indicated remedy so controls the muscle fibers to act in harmony that the form of the organ is changed to normal and the foetus does actually change position to accommodate itself to the containing body. This is done far more adroitly than it is possible to turn the foetus by external force of even the most skillful hands.

Dr. George M. Cooper – The Hahnemannian Advocate Vol 41 – 1902

“Hopeless” Case of Tetanus

Dr. G. H. Moser writes in The Clinique of a case of tetanus from stepping on a rusty nail. The first physician  called used two tubes of anti-tetanic serum and other measures and pronounced the case hopeless. Dr. Closer was then called and as a sort of forlorn hope gave Echinacea 6, 15 drops, every two hours, and 40 drops of Passiflora 0, every two hours. The patient recovered.

Hahnemann Monthly  Vol  28 -1893

Swelled Crop in Poultry

Caused by eating too much or from something that prevents the food from passing out of the crop, as the passage from the crop to the gizzard may be clogged with long dry grass old rags, or other substances. The hen ruffles her feathers, throws her head back and her crop feels packed ready to burst. Fasting and gentle manipulation generally cures. Nux vomica or Arsenicum will aid in giving relief.

Thrush in Poultry

Consists of small vesicles or white specks on the membrane of mouth, tongue, etc. There are several remedies for this condition of sore mouth or Stomatitis ; among them may be named in their order : Nitric acid if there is a general yellowish appearance; Mercurius viv. If  red, spongy, bleeding ; Staphisagria if pale, white and readily bleeding ; and Thuja if there appears to be a fungus-like growth.

The Poultry Doctor: Including the Homeopathic Treatment and Care of Chickens – Boericke and Tafel – 1891

Three Injury Remedies

Aristolochia  – Bisters or wounds due to tight fitting shoes (paeonia) , bites, horseback riding, rowing,  garden work etc.

Ruta  – Formation of nodules after as sprain.

Allium Cepa  – Stinging pain in stump after operation.

Select Your Remedy R. B. Bishambar Das

Some Remedies in Cancer   – Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea                     

ACONITUM  LYCOTONUM: Swelling of glands;  Hodgkin’s disease, generalized lymphadenitis (30C)

CADMIUM PHOSPHATE:  Bleeding in cancer of prostate. Frequent urination++rawness and soreness of urethra, urine mixed with blood and pus. Desire to be left alone. Chilliness and coldness. Fatigue, lassitude, indifference. (6C,30C)

CADMIUM SULPH:   Cancer, black vomit ( least thing touches lips=vomiting, all signs pointing towards downtrend. > rest of Bryonia. Exhaustion and irritability of Aresenicum.(3C-30C)

CHOLESTERINUM : Obstinate cases of cancer of liver tending towards malignancy. Burning. Insommnia.  Pain in liver < jar (patient has to hold his hand on liver when walking. (3x)

CINNAMONUM CEYLANICUM: Cancer, when pain and fetor are conspicuously present. It reduces the cancer pains and offensive odour of the cancer. Agg: any physical exertion, even talking. Weakness(+++) (30C)

CONIUM MACULATUM : Past history of trauma to breast. Tumour-stony hard with burning and stinging pains, weakness. Hard and painfull to touch. Stitches in nipples. Painless stage of cancer; shrivelled breast. Suppressed sexual desire/menses. (30C, 200C-higher)

ERIGERON:  Cancer Prostate operated, recurrent haematuria, backache, pain in right renal area. Pain relieved by hot compress Q, 6C

EUPHORBIUM OFFICINALIS:  Burning pains (+++) It is a palliative for burning pains of cancer of bones or skin and periodical cramps. < night, rest, heat, touch. > motion, cool applications. (6C)

GAERTNER: In Cancer Rectum : for extreme old age with history of faulty nutition.30C, 200C

GALIUM APARINE: Nodulated tumor and cancer of tongue. Suspends and modifies cancerous action. Pain < at night. Favours healthy granulations on ulcerated surfaces. (Q-5-6 drops)

HEKLA LAVA: Bony tumours of spongy texture, exostosis. Osteosarcoma. Cervical glands enlarged and indurated. It repairs bones and tissues damaged by operation of breast. Scrofulous: , from touch, pressure. Necrosis and fistulous openings. Right sided. (6x)

HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS:  Cancer of liver before ulceration sets in, when the pain is the main symptom. Emaciation, prostration, constipation and distress in bowels. < night, > pressure. Cachectic, face dull, heavy. (Q, 6C)

KREOSOTUM: Terrible odours accompanying cancer of the cervix. Efficacious in pre-cancers of cervix, based on bleeding at coitus and foetid luucorrhoea. < open air, rest, touch, after menstruation. > warmth, motion. (200C). Vomiting in gastric carcinoma, burning pain in stomach with offensive vomiting after eating. < lying down > warm diet. (30C, 200C)

MERC-PROTO IOD:  Cancer right cervical lymph node, non hodgkins lymphoma, large cell type as per FNAC report . Right sided. Scrofulous, Syphilitic patients. Sensitive to cold and damp. < touch, pressure. Tongue: thick yellow coating at the base.(6x Trit., 6C, 30C, 200c)

ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM: It has marked action on cancer of pylorus and duodenum. Pain in stomach, which increases when food passes pyloric through the outlet. 2 hours after eating. Vomiting of coffee ground colour. < cold drinks, night. > warm food. Between meals for cancer of the stomach (Q)

RUTA GRAVEOLENS:  Inoperable cancer of the rectum. < lying down, from cold, wet weather. < touch, rest, night. > motion. Extreme weakness and despair.(30C)

SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM :  Malignant ulcers in whole mouth. They bleed easily, especially at night. Whole mouth is very tender. Induration of tongue with marked soreness (huge swelling) (Q).

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS: Could be indicated more often in pre-cancers and early cancers as a main or intercurrent remedy. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of prostate as per biopsy report. (200C)

Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea – Standstill Cases –  Giving an Intercurrent with Emphasis on the Scope of Using A Clinical Tip

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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