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Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets – November 2021

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Tips from the masters and important news. Tips on morning sickness, cerebral softening, Scoparius in cardiac problems, atrophy of retina and much more.

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Workers Vow to Quit if Forced to Vaccinate

A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, revealed that 37% of unvaccinated workers say they will quit their jobs if forced to get vaccinated or take weekly Covid tests. If their employer mandates vaccines and doesn’t offer the testing option, 72% of the unvaccinated workers say they will quit.

Some Tips from Dr. E.A. Farrington

– In spasms of the eyelids Agaricus is generally the best remedy.

– Chamomilla may be employed in jaundice resulting from a fit of anger.

– Cerebral softening may be averted by Nux vomica.  This remedy is to be thought of when sedentary habits and mental effort have operated, as well as intemperance, to produce the disease. Phosphorus is the remedy which most frequently follows  Nux in this condition

– Magnesia phos. is called for in neuralgia which occurs regularly each night.

– Phosphorus is one of the few remedies that act on the pancreas. It is especially useful if there be fatty degeneration of that organ.

– Collinsonia is indicated in hemorrhoids when there is a sensation as of sticks in the rectum.

– Carduus marianus is indicated in jaundice with dull headache, bitter  taste in the mouth, tongue  white, especially in the middle with the tips and edges red.

– Nux may be given in that dread disease, atrophy of the retina, whether it come from choroido-retinitis or not.

– Opium is probably the best remedy when, from fright of the wet-nurse, the child gets retention of urine.

– Aloes cures a headache which, like that of Nux vomica, is situated over the  eyes.  It is attended by a sensation as though a weight were pressing the eyelids down.

Melilotus, produces a most violent headache which drives the patient almost frantic.  It really seems to the patient that the brain would burst through the fore-head.  The throbbing pain is almost as violent as it is under Glonoin.

E. A. Farrington, M.D.  – Clinical  Materia  Medica

Cell phone radiation during pregnancy affects brain of offspring

Exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, say researchers at Yale School of Medicine.  The results, based on studies in mice, are published in the March 15 issue of Scientific Reports, a Nature publication. “This is the first experimental evidence that fetal exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellular telephones does in fact affect adult behavior,” said senior author Dr. Hugh S. Taylor.

Vaccinated just as likely to spread delta variant within household as unvaccinated

People who have received COVID-19 vaccinations are able to spread the delta variant within their household despite being vaccinated a new study published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. People who contracted COVID-19 had a similar viral load regardless of whether they had been vaccinated.

Remedies in Morning Sickness      

Apomorphia.—This remedy is used in cases that are obstinate and resist ordinary remedies.

Bryonia.— Nausea on waking in the morning. Her nausea is usually relieved by keeping quiet. Dry, parched lips, dry mouth and tongue. Splitting headache. Vomiting of food immediately after eating. Worse on sitting up in bed, in warm air, from warm weather or warm food.

Carbolic Acid.—One of the most prominent of the symptoms in all the provings was morning nausea and vomiting. It cures vomiting of ingesta during pregnancy.

Cocculus.— Burning in the oesophagus extending into the fauces, with a taste of sulphur in the mouth. Worse riding in a Nausea which is felt in the head.

Gossypium.—It causes, and has also cured, anorexia and nausea at the time of the menses; morning vomiting in the early months of pregnancy, with violent retching, tendency to fainting, soreness of the uterine region; the nausea appears on waking and the vomiting on first raising the head.

Ipecac. — One continued sense of nausea all the time—not a moment’s relief. Vomiting of large quantities of mucus. Disgust for food, empty retching; vomiting of food, slime or blood.

Nux vomica.—Thinks she would feel better if she could vomit. Nausea and vomiting every morning, with constipation. Food and drink have a fetid smell to her. Depression of spirits. Aversion’ to water and bread. Longing for beer

Oxalateof Cerium.— In very obstinate cases of vomiting during pregnancy.

Sepia.—Vomiting of milky water or milky mucus. Sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; the thought of food sickens her. Eructations tasting’ like spoiled eggs. Taste as of manure.

From: The Hahnemannian Advocate – H. W. Pierson, M. D., Editor. Volume 41  January to December, 1902.

Some Tips from Dr. William H. Burt, M. D. (1895)

Kali Bromidum – This remedy is most valuable in those cases of epilepsy characterized by frequent and violent convulsive seizures.

Scoparius – Especially useful in functional cardiac diseases, where irregularity of the heart’s action is the most prominent symptom. It greatly increases the force of the cardiac beat, and regulates the heart’s action with greater rapidity than Digitalis

Silicea – Ciliary neuralgia has been often cured with Silicea.

Kreosotum – Constant chilliness during menstruation. The pains are always burning like red hot coals. Uterine cancer, with fetid, bloody, acrid, rapidly decomposing secretions.

Zincum – Great greediness when eating; cannot eat fast enough, from canine hunger.  A constant distressing boring pain in the left ovarian region, only partially relieved by pressure.

Dr. William H. Burt, M. D.  -Characteristic Materia Medica Memorizer

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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