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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask The Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa – May 2018

veterinary support assistant

Holistic veterinarian Dr. Khalsa answers about Grief in dogs, Ehrlichiosis in Labrador, Kennel cough, Histicitico lymphoma in Golden retriever, itching dogs.

Each month holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. answers questions on veterinary issues. Send your questions to [email protected]  Dr. Khalsa is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog. 

Hello doctor Khalsa,

We have a 7 month old pet of Pomeranian cross breed. A few days back my brother passed away. He was the one who brought the dog home. The dog was so attached to him and now he has become so possessive and doesn’t let anyone touch me and doesn’t let anyone leave home without him. Sometimes he becomes aggressive at home if anyone touches him or his things. Do you have any suggestions?

Meena Priyadharsini

Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

I would start him on Ignatia 6x four times a day and you can put it in some broth or some water so he drinks it if he doesn’t let you touch him. If you give this for about a week and it doesn’t work you would go to Natrum mur 6x three times a day for another two weeks.  The third remedy to consider if he continues to be very protective about his things and aggressive is Staphisagria 6c twice a day.

Respected Dr. Khalsa,

My 4 years Male Labrador dog (Messi) has suffered from Ehrlichiosis two times in the past. I am taking all possible care about ticks and worms, but, still he developed the same.  Is there a homeopathic solution to this problem?  I am a Homoeopath, so perhaps you can guide me as per your experience.

Thank you,

Dr. Ashish Mehta Bhavnagar

 Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Erlichiosis is a tick borne disease caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria infect and go inside the white cells. The essence of prevention is tick control

Dr. Dr. Khalsa,

My 9 year old Terrier mix dog (Chevy) was bit by a wasp last September on the inside of one of his ears.  This caused inflammation and then an ear infection which was treated with antibiotics and prednisone. The ear infection went away and 3 weeks later Chevy developed a cough. We brought him to the vet who diagnosed him with kennel cough and treated him with more antibiotics (doxycycline) and and more prednisone for 2 weeks.  After the two week treatment the cough had not resolved so they prescribed Clavamox and another course of steroids.  Two weeks after stopping the medication the cough returned and the vet did chest x-rays and a few other tests and put him on 30 days of prednisone, theophylline BID X 30 days and Hydrocodone 3ml’s BID.

This all helped with the cough but it did not go away completely.  We saw the vet again this week and they say they have no explanation for why Chevy is coughing except for a mild tracheal narrowing.  They’ve diagnosed him with chronic bronchitis.  He has no heart disease, lungs sound fine and look good on X-ray ect. and to continue giving him theophylline and hydrocodone syrup.  We are taking a break from the prednisone for now.

His cough seems to be worse at night when he is resting or when he gets very excited. He eats well and is playful.  He is a bit overweight since starting the prednisone and we are working on weight loss.  He is currently 22lb and should by 18lbs.

My question is, could the wasp sting have triggered some type of autoimmune response in Chevy?  Do you have any suggestions? We live in a small rural town approx. 8 hours away from any major center.

Thank you so much for your time

Cindy Gagnon

Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

First of all, Kennel Cough is easily treated with homeopathy.  Antimonium tart and Drosera work wonders with it. You can add a little colloidal silver orally if you wish. It sounds like Chevy has collapsing trachea. Let me explain. Your vacuum hose has rings down it so that when you turn on the suction it does not collapse into itself. The trachea also has rings. More often in smaller breed dogs, the trachea has partial parts of rings missing so all the rings down the trachea are not perfectly made. They are born with this. Usually it does not bother most dogs until they get older. Or an upper respiratory disease can cause irritation. The problem is called Collapsing Trachea and the way to know this, is see when it happens. If it happens when they change position, get up from resting, get excited when someone comes to the door-  times where the flow of air changes in their trachea and the air suddenly moves faster causing the area of the trachea where the rings are not complete to fall a bit into themselves, you can certainly consider collapsing trachea as the problem. Oftentimes, the dogs do a sort of hack hack cough a few times – coughing the rings open- and then stop coughing as soon as the problem is corrected. There is no surgery to treat this problem. Often, simple remedies to relieve inflammation of the trachea like Ant tart will help.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My golden retriever puppy is 2 years old and has been diagnosed with Histicitico lymphoma after a biopsy. The vet suggested chemotherapy. I live in Venezuela.  Searching the Internet I found an article that mentioned that Carcinosinum and a good diet rich in protein without carbohydrates or sugars. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Thank you

Yazmin Quintero   –  Venezuela

Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

Lymphoma is a very difficult disease to treat holistically. Many holistic veterinarians have tried everything and finally resort to chemo which only gains them a year or less of life. I have used Biocell Formula 9 stem cell activating treatments, using the injections and have cured several cases of lymphoma in dogs with it. These products may be available in Venezuela.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I have a one and half year old dog which has round eruptions with itching all over the body. Scratching sometimes causes bleeding with falling of hair. Hair falling seen in round areas in clusters. After the eruption reduced, the skin became black. Itching and redness seen in ears also. Sometimes scales are falling from the ear. Great aversion to bathing. Always gets angry about other dogs.I always use Sulphur 30, Acid flour 30 and Sepia 30 for him. But these complaints still occur every 3-4 months. I have attached the photos of the skin. I hope you have a suggestion.


Thank you

Raja Lakshmi     

Dr. Deva Khalsa: 

Bacillinum 200c twice a day for 10 days – as the lesions get dark covering the fact that it may be a fungus

Follow with: Psorinum 30c- three times a day for three weeks – general great remedy for skin lesions that fester and do not heal – deep acting.

Do not know if he favors heat or favors cold. If he likes heat, Sulphur would be no good.

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s Note:  The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.  

Learn more about nutrition for your pet:

All information provided on this site, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, homeopathy, homeopathic medicine, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment, nor all health-related issues. 

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

1 Comment

  • My daughter´s Labrador dog called Pelle six years old has tremendous anxiety when nails need cutting, the best and nicest dog groomers have difficulty to get it done. Is there a remedy for the dog like Pulsatilla before he goes to the dog salon, or can my daughter try Bach Rescue remedy spray before she enters the salon with Pelle? Thank you.

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