Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from January 2015 Issue


Feedback from January issue

From “Marion Belle Rood” by Andrew Lange

Thank you very much, indeed, Dr. Lange! You have brought Dr. Rood alive. What an amazing human being was Dr. Rood ! I am both touched and inspired. Had she been alive today, no doubt, she would have seen the connection between Nanotechnology, or rather, Nano Science and homeopathy, the way she evidently saw it between quantum physics and homeopathy.

Fraternal regards



Thanks for that, Andrew. Very inspiring!

Elaine Lewis


Great article, a remarkable woman who was ahead of her time.




From Editorial about closing of AMCH

How sad the news. I wish that we could focus our efforts more efficiently in the future for preserving the few vital organizations and colleges that we still have.
We will miss AMCH!

Siegfried Letzel


From –  A Case of Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (H-S P) by Gwyneth Evans

This case shows what hard earned study of Materia Medica yields, making quick work of a problem that might have dragged on. No need to look for sensations and kingdoms, just basic homeopathy. Thank you.

Martin Earl



From: Dr. Divya Chhabra Interviewed by Vatsala Sperling

An excellent interview Vatsala. You anticipated all my questions. There’s a lot to learn from Dr. Chhabra.

Alan V. Schmukler



From- End of Life Care – Homeopathy and Hospice Patients by Lia Bello

Thank you Lia.   This is a very important area that could help not only patients but families in the home that have some control over what choices are made….very excited to start this journey.
Maggie Hill



From – A Chronic Cough of 27 Years by Pauline Wilson

It is really wonderful that by administering only one rare remedy ‘Sarracenia ‘ [pitcher-plant] you have cured a cough existing for last 27 years!

Dr. C.S. Gupta



From – Ask the Holistic Vet by Dr. Deva Khalsa

Each month you give us your wisdom of many years, which may include specific suggestions or just the awareness that an animal needs immediate attention. Your time and effort are highly appreciated. Thank you.

Martin Earl


From –Tidbits– Can Someone Pick Me Up At The Airport? – by Elaine Lewis

I wish I could have a teacher like you, Elaine. Thank you for these lectures. We can see that you love homeopathy, and besides you know a lot about it. It’s been a pleasure to learn from you.



From – The Plant Doctors –Mark Moodie, Radko Tichavsky, Pawan Singhania

I thoroughly enjoy this column and I think about the vast possibilities if Agro homeopathy were realized on a large scale. It could create healthy foods, affordable foods, and a healthier planet. It’s something to give one hope.

Martin Earl



From- Tips and Secrets – by Alan V. Schmukler

Very, very useful for the practice!! In acute cases we need to give a remedy at once, so we need all the tips you can share to us.

Dana Campean



From –Jan 2015 Quiz – Creepy-Crawlies! By Elaine Lewis


Your quizzes are not just educational, they’re fun! Loaded with humor and music videos, it’s a whole show.

Alan V. Schmukler


From – Taken to Court: Moving the goalposts on homeopathy by Fran Sheffield

Thank you for the update on your harassment by the (compromised) agencies and courts in Australia. What kept flashing in my mind was “Welcome to Pharma Land …formerly the independent commonwealth of Australia.”




From –  Healing Autism with Homeopathy in Synergy with Other Therapies –Dr. M.A. Rajalakshmi

An important subject and exceptionally well written! I really like that you included the case summaries to illustrate. I hope we will see more from you on Hpathy!

Martin Earl



From -A Case of Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate (BHP) – by Dr .Akshay Mathur

Nicely done Dr. Mathur. This case has the mark of very professional work.


From – A Case of Migraines and Depression by Klaus-Peter Schenk

An excellent case and one solved by the ability to recognize what is unique in the case. Thanks for sharing this!



From – Research into Homeopathy part 25 – by Robert Medhurst

Thank you for this invaluable column. People should be aware that most of these homeopathy studies are not done by companies that stand to profit from them, as allopathic drug research is. One can rely in the results as being unbiased.



Re: Homeopathy Crossword Puzzle

It is a great learning that your team is imparting to the learners of Homoeopathy. What a technique to educate us through Crossword by Mr. Alan Schmukler. Please keep it up.

Asghar Ali



From – Cartoon – Gov’t of Australia vs Homeopathy

What a shame these people are so miserably eager to please the merchants of disease.

I.P Filho

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