Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone August 2006

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone August 2006

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 Articles Invited
 Share your articles and cases for publication in Homeopathy for Everyone, the world’s most popular homeopathic e-journal with 40,000+ subscribers. The best international platform to make your work available to the homeopathic community!Send in your papers and cases to us at [email protected]
 Editorial Team
Alan V. Schmukler (Chief Editor)
Manish Bhatia
Rochelle Marsden
Firuzi Mehta
David Johnson
Elaine Lewis
Katja Schütt
Neil D. Shere
Leela D’Souza
Shirley Reischman
Edward De Beukelaer
This is your Hpathy Ezine
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  Let’s Dance Together! – Elaine Lewis

“You know what Dr. B’s problem is? He knows absolutely NO songs by The Supremes! It helps to get people dancing before they sit down to a nice refreshing issue of “Homeopathy for Everyone”!”

Letters to the Editor

Hot-Seat Interview
 Alan V. Schmukler – interviewed by Elaine Lewis

“Over a hundred thousand deaths every year in the United States from properly prescribed prescription drugs… that’s according to JAMA itself, and those are only hospital deaths! The true figure is probably double that. And that doesn’t include the long term effects and untold suffering from suppressive drugs and vaccines. How do they get away with it?”

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New Papers
 Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods – David Little

Part 5: Speeding The Cure

“The second condition for speeding the cure is the use of the medicinal solution. Without the liquid dose none of the other advantages of the new method are available. When using the dry pills the homoeopath should follow the rules laid down in the 4th Organon. This simple change from the static dry dose to the flexible liquid solution is the foundation of all other breakthroughs.”

Homoeopathy in Terminal Conditions and Apparently Incurable Diseases:  Is it sufficient? – Stuart Close

“There is too much servility to opinion; too much bending the knee to those who parade the authority of place and power; too much easy compliance with the whims or pleadings of patients who, while they suffer, are yet ignorant of what is good or best for them; too much running after the ever-changing medical fads.”

When Remedies Fail – Elaine Lewis

“Why else might a remedy not work? Because you’re prescribing for the constitution when the patient has an acute. You’ve ignored the acute because it doesn’t interest you. “

From the Clinic
 Role of Homoeopathy in Uterine Fibroid and Ovarian Cyst Treatment – Dr.G.K.Shangloo

“We have to search for the dominating miasm in the patient and this can be done by studying the mental aspect of the patients. On your patient you can go into his dominant miasm not only by physical features but also having an idea about his mental symptoms. In sycotic mentals you will find that there is impending fear of being finished or destroyed.”

A Surgically Spoiled Case of Fistula-in-Ano – Dr.S.K.Mamgain

“Among the Wound-worts and Bruise-worts of our land,none rivals Hypericum for its healing touch on injured nerves, and for injuries – especially to parts rich in nerves. Here we use it both externally and internally.”

 Crusty Nose! – Edward De Beukelaer

“He is invasive and pushes everybody and everything out of the way to access any kind of food. He does not pay attention and once fell in a ditch trying to access to food.”

 Encyclopedia of Repertory – Dr. Randeep Nanda

“The book has been endorsed by the likes of Prafull Vijayakar, Rajan Sankaran, David Witko, Miranda Castro and Dr. C. Nayak. I hope these stalwarts have noted the deficiencies in this work before recommending it.”

 Facial Tics: Exciting, Riveting and Entertaining! – Kelly Young, Elaine Lewis

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Revisiting: “Foot Pain Can’t Stand Up To Gout” – Elaine Lewis

and the winner is…

We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

The editors, the publisher and the owner of, do not necessarily agree with the information provided in various articles and sections of the e-journal Homeopathy for Everyone. The authors and the contributors are solely responsible for their views and comments. Please use your discretion in using any medical/health information provided in this journal. For treatment of any chronic or serious illness, you should consult your Homeopath or General Physician in person. Subject to the jurisdiction of Jaipur, India.

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