Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Author - Dr. Manisha Bhatia

Homeopathy for Nausea

Nausea is feeling of uneasiness in which person has sensation of having urge to vomit that occurs in upper stomach. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat...

Homeopathy for Laryngitis

Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx. The result is acute change in the voice, with decreased volume and hoarseness. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon...

Homeopathy for Indigestion

Indigestion is another name of stomach upset or dyspepsia. Usually it occurs due to an error in diet and life style but it can also associate with many gastric disease conditions. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic...

Homeopathy for Hives

The medical term for hive is urticaria. Hives are usually allergic reaction to food or medicine. These appear as raised, red, wheals on the surface of the skin. These are often itchy. Allergic reactions to a drug or food cause...

Homeopathy for Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a very common and mild form of gum disease that causes swelling (inflammation) of gums. If not treated properly may lead serious disease of gum (Homeopathy for Gum Disease) Homeopathy is one of the most popular...

Homeopathy for Fever

Homeopathy remedies for fever. Cause, types, and symptoms of fever and treatment with indicated homeopathic medicines. Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for fever? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of fever...

Homeopathy for Warts

Homeopathy treatment for warts. Detailed information about warts including cause, type, symptom and BEST homeopathic medicine for wart. Warts are harmless skin growths (small epidural tumors of the skin) caused by a virus. They...

Homeopathy for Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency is a common worldwide cause of anemia affecting persons of all ages. The anemia results from dietary deficiency, loss of iron through bleeding, or increased demands. Iron balance is maintained by the absorption of...

Homeopathy for Genital Warts

Genitals warts are caused by Type 6 & 11 of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Find how homeopathy remedies can effectively cure warts on penis, vulva and vagina. Genital warts may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny...

Homeopathy for Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Cerebral palsy (Homeopathy for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke) could be understood in a way cerebral means something related with brain and palsy means there is a problem in movements of body. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat...

Homeopathy for Elephantiasis

Elephantiasis is caused by obstructed lymph vessels, which prevents drainage of lymph from the surrounding tissue. More than 120 million people have been affected by elephantiasis: one third in India, another third in Africa, and...

Homeopathy for Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis is a metabolic disease of iron metabolism in which the intestine absorbs excessive iron. Six percent of Americans (15 percent of young women) need extra iron, and it is frequently advised as a supplement...

Homeopathy for Cancer Symptoms

Cancer is a term used to describe over a hundred different diseases with certain features in common. A cancer (Homeopathy for Cancer Pain) begins with a change in the structure and function of a cell that causes the cell to...

Homeopathy for Back Pain in Children

Back pain or backache is defined as pain or discomfort felt in the upper, middle and lower back, arising from structures in the back like muscles, nerves, bones or ligament. Back pain is classified as Upper Back Pain (affecting...

Homeopathy for Erythema Nodosum

Erythema Nodosum is a hypersensitivity reaction causing a localized inflammatory infiltrate that involves the septae of subcutaneous fat. It is relatively common and especially affects young, adult females. It may be associated...

Homeopathy for Dyspareunia

Dyspareunia is pain prior to, during, or after, sexual intercourse. It is more common in women but can affect either sex. Vaginismus is a ‘spasm’ or contractions of the muscles surrounding the vagina. An enlarged uterus or ovary...

Homeopathy for Cold Sores

Main cause of cold sores are Herpes simplex virus type 1, or, less often, herpes simplex type 2 (the cause of genital herpes) Most people have their first infection before age 10, although most will not have symptoms. About 10%...

Homeopathy for Chagas disease

American Trypanosomiasis or Chagas’ disease is caused by the hemoflagellate protozoa, T. cruzi. It is a zoonotic disease, transmitted by reduvid bug of the genus Triatoma. The disease occurs in Central and South America. It...

Homeopathy for Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a refractive condition in which the eye’s optical system is incapable of forming a point image for a point object. Astigmatism should be suspected in people who narrow their eyelids almost to a slit in order to see...

Homeopathy for Volvulus of Intestine

A Volvulus is a twisting of the intestine which obstructs the passage of food and fluid through intestine. The most common area, particularly in adults, is the sigmoid colon; the small bowel is a common site in children. The pain...

Homeopathy for Stomach Pain in Children

Stomach pain is a common complaint within the pediatric population, particularly among school-aged children and adolescents. The etiology of stomach pain (Homeopathy Treatment for Stomach Pain) in children varies from serious...

Homeopathy for Anuria

Anuria is the complete absence of urine production. Oliguria is present when less than 30 ml of urine is excreted in twenty four hours. Anuria may occur due to Prerenal, renal and Postrenal causes. Causes of anuria include...

Homeopathy for Anosmia

The term anosmia derives from the Greek an (without) and osme (odor) It refers to the absence or impairment of the sense of smell. The most common cause is a several head cold or respiratory infection. Anosmia also is a...

Homeopathy for Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus is a disturbing ringing, buzzing sound in the ears. These noises are many times associated with many forms of hearing loss. The cause of tinnitus in anyone case can be obscure, as there are wide varieties of contributing...


Thrombophilia refers to a thrombotic or clotting tendency. It may be inherited or acquired, or perhaps more commonly an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. The term was coined in 1965 and is a border term than...

Homeopathy for Throbbing Headache

A throbbing headache is a sensation of pulsating, pounding, rhythmic, or explosive pressure in the head. It can be caused by various medical conditions, such as a brain tumor, menopause, sinus infection or eye strain. Homeopathy...

Homeopathy for Protein Deficiency

Proteins are the building blocks of the body’s tissue and organs. Almost half the dry weight of theBody’S cells is protein. It is second only to water water in amounts present in the body. If kilocaloric intake is inadequate...

Perirectal Abscess

Perirectal abscesses begin as infections in the anal glands. From the anal crypt, infection spreads laterally into the soft tissues of the ischiorectal fossa. The abscess (Homeopathy Treatment for Abscess) commonly presents as a...

Homeopathy for Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis is renal disease secondary to SLE that most commonly results from immune complex glomerulonephritis. SLE is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system produces antibodies. Homeopathy is one of the most...

Homeopathy for Loose Stools

Loose stools indicate that the intestinal contents have moved too quickly through the intestines for fluid absorption to take place. Like vomiting, diarrhea can lead to considerable fluid and salt losses, but the composition of...

Homeopathy for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common disorder in which dead cells shed from the upper layer of skin plug the openings of hair follicle. It displays itself as small sandpapery reddish pink bumps, most commonly found on the backs of the...

Homeopathy for Keloid Scar

Keloid scar treatment with homeopathy remedies. Learn how to get rid of keloid scars with best homeopathic medicine for keloids and creams, without surgery. Keloids are firm, rubbery lesions or shiny, fibrous nodules, and can...

Homeopathy for Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease is an idiopathic multisystem disease of young children characterized by Vasculitis of the small-and medium-sized blood vessels. Kawasaki disease in adults is less common and rarely occurs. Symptoms in acute phase...

Homeopathy for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat ischemic stroke symptoms but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. Several remedies are...

Homeopathy for Intestinal Problems

Inflammatory Bowel Disease – is a group of inflammatory conditions mainly affecting the large and small bowel. Crohn’s disease differs from ulcerative colitis by affecting the gastrointestinal tract from oral cavity to rectum; UC...