Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from October 2020


Readers comment on the October 2020 issue of Homeopathy 4 Everyone.

From:  Homeopath David Johnson is interviewed by Vatsala Sperling about his new book Radiance, Resonance and healing; The Homeopathic Periodic Table.

Homeopath and Author David Johnson – Interviewed by Vatsala Sperling

Excellent interview Vatsala. Your questions brought out all the pertinent information.  David Johnson is a master of periodic table.
Alan V. Schmukler

From:  Dr. Manish Bhatia received the Best Author Award for his books on Organon from the Dr. Mahendra Singh Memorial Trust.

Dr Manish Bhatia Ji,
Please accept my warm congratulations on your getting Best Author award on writing best books on organon. It is only one achievement which has been recognised. Your many achievements relating to spreading of knowledge of homeopathy demand laurels on you. God bless you. Live long.
Dr Chander Shekhar Gupta

From:  Clinical Study of Sars Cov-2019 Nosode Part II Post-  Covid Lung Damage Treated with Sars Cov-2019 Nosode  -Dr. Chetna Shukla

Nice Work Madam,
I had severe fever with cough, loose motion and tastelessness for around 20 days. I went to hospital and took paracetamol & cough syrup 3 times a day. Since there was no relief at all I stopped taking allopathic medicine and I tried Berberis Vulgaris 200 three times a day and it was really a miracle. Fever was stopped on the same day and taste also recovered. Loose motion stopped on 2nd day and on 3rd day cough was 90% better. Within one week I became normal and 2 tests were conducted for covid-19, the results negative.
Ramesh P.K.

Congratulations for bringing it (covid nosode) to the notice of the medical community. Your efforts in preparing the nosode deserves appreciation

What was the basis of selection of Sars Cov -2019 nosode?  Are any set
of symptoms with Corona positive patients given Sars Cov-19 nososde?
Garimaa Verma

From: Homoeopathy: Clinical Experiences in the Pandemic of Covid 19 (Case Series Volume 2) –  Dr. Gyandas Wadhwani

Hope, Heart and Homoeopathy: Clinical Experiences in the Pandemic of Covid 19 (Case Series Volume 2)

Thank you so much for posting this extremely helpful information on Covid-19. You are very kind to share it with the public! I tried to see the entire chart by using the Control button but it didn’t work, possibly because I have an old Apple laptop. Also, I’m sure there are many readers who would like to print up the chart for a handy reference but I don’t see a link that says, “Print This Page.” Might someone at know how I’d shrink the chart so it could be printed?
Regardless, thank you again, Dr. Wadhwani!
Linda S

Dear Linda,
Did you try holding down CTRL and turning the mouse wheel toward yourself?  If that works, you can also click CTRL and “Print Screen” to make copies.
Alan Schmukler

From:  Clinical Study of Sars Cov-2019 Nosode -Part III Clinical Trial of Sarscov-2019 Nosode (06 Ck) on Healthy Individuals – Dr. Chetna Shukla

Clinical Study of Sars Cov-2019 Nosode -Part III Clinical Trial of Sarscov-2019 Nosode (06 Ck) on Healthy Individuals

Praisable work with good scientific explanation doctor.
Dr. Santanu Maity

From:  A Better Way to Regulate Homeopathy – Kurt Cobb

A Better Way to Regulate Homeopathy

Been trying to comment at the above link, but it always fails.. So what to do?

Reply by Kurt Cobb:

Try this link which takes you directly to the Comment page:

From:   Reconciling the Longer Term Impacts of Social Distancing Upon Young Minds  – Elizabeth Adalian 

Reconciling the Longer Term Impacts of Social Distancing Upon Young Minds

Thanks Elizabeth for yet another valuable insight into some of the issues raised by the current situation and also for highlighting some of the lesser-known remedies that can easily be overlooked as treatment suggestions.
Sue Smith

One of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. Thanks a lot mam for your wonderful insight into this topic and emphasis on various remedies.
Dr. Abhishek Choudhary

From:  Migraine and Its Rare Homoeopathic Therapeutics  – Ankita Upadhay

Migraine and Its Rare Homoeopathic Therapeutics

We used all these medicine for migraine.  Dr Arvind Sharma taught me to use rare medicines.
Dr. Ranendra Munot


Tidbits 73: The Questionnaires  – by Elaine Lewis

Tidbits 73: The Questionnaires

Dear Dr,
You have made the homeopathic treatment possible for a few learned rich patients. Have you got some good suggestion for the homeopaths who have to attend 100 or so patients every day?
Dr C.S Gupta

Reply from  Elaine Lewis
Hello, Dr. Gupta; did you scroll down and see the questionnaire for pathologies and acutes? It’s much shorter, and you only have to memorize a few basic questions:

  1. diagnosis (What’s wrong with you? Why are you here?)
  2. etiology (What caused this condition to happen?)
  3. The BIG FOUR: Sensation, Location, Modalities, Concomitants!
  4. The mental/ emotionals (how are you changed mentally/emotionally since this condition came on? How are you different?)
  5. Has your thirst changed from normal? Are you craving anything–food or drink? Do you have an aversion to anything you usually like?
  6. What is most striking, unusual about your case, your complaint? What stands out?
  7. Body temperature, is it different than normal: Are you hot or cold? Hot and cold by turns? Fever? Chills? Shivering? Sweating? Are certain parts hotter or colder than other parts? Cold hands and feet? Hot head? etc.?

Can you remember that much? You would at least have to know that much to find the remedy someone needs in a short amount of time. Like I said, I used to carry the acute case questionnaire in my wallet; you could print out just this much and always have it with you so you’d know what to ask when you have 100 patients to see in a day.

Muito boa dica..excelentes questionários.
Nancy de Oliveira Lima Ferreira

Wonderful Elaine. it’s like a masterpiece.

From:   COVID-19 in a Man of 44 – Dr. Vishal Sawant

Covid-19 in a Man of 44

Great going, really appreciate
Dr. Shital Shitole

Congratulations Dr. Vishal. Keep growing
Swapnil Tambe

From:  COVID -19 in a Man of 50  – Dr. Sonal Patel

COVID-19 in a Man of 50

Keep smiling and keep doing what you do so well………You truly make a difference in the medical field.

From:  Endometriotic Chocolate Cyst – Dr. Darshan Jayesh Shah

Endometriotic Chocolate Cyst in a Woman of 31

Congratulations for holding on to Natrum mur with patience and persistence to achieve a very convincing result
Keep it up
Dr. Shiv Patil

Excellent work Dr. Shah and nicely presented.
Alan V. Schmukler

From: Allergic rhinitis in a boy of 14 – Dr. Chanda Shah

Allergic Rhinitis in a Boy of 14

Excellent case Dr. Chanda. The step by step understanding of the row and column do not leave any doubt about the remedy.
Reni Shah

From: Cystic Tumor on Cheek – Woman of 24 – Dr. Amit Singh Pal

Cystic Tumor on Cheek – Female 24

Congratulations. Classic homeopathic method of application and demonstrating a lesson a monitoring the case
Dr. Shiv Patil

Excellent case Dr Amit. well analysed and presented.
Seema Mahesh

A nice presentation with analysis of this case. Congratulations Dr Amit Pal sir.
Dr. Gauresh Bhalkekar

Nice presentation of the case and selection of remedy. I didn’t think of this remedy while reading the case.
Dr .Shivraj Katake

From: Bronchial Asthma in a Man of 57 – Amit Kumar Vyas

Thank you for this nicely worked case. Excellent analysis!
Martin Earl

From:   Coeliac Disease in a Girl of 3. – Dr. Vitan Gosain

A fine case, well thought out.  Accurate interpretation of the symptoms.
Martin Earl

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