Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone July 2008


A useful article about Homeopathy for Everyone July 2008.Full details about Homeopathy for Everyone July 2008

— Flora Homeopathica —
A Sad Editor! Manish Bhatia

“People say that homeopathy is an art. And in the name of art, they become free to do anything.”

Letters to the Editor

“ is a bastion for all interested in or
practicing Homeopathy – Jim”

in the Hot Seat
Rudi Verspoor– interviewed by Alan Schmukler

“We need to simply tackle head on the hidden assumption of classical homeopathy that all of the symptoms of the patient belong to the homeopath..”

1500 Homeopathy & Alternative Medicine Books at Hpathy Mall. Great Discounts. Buy Now!!
Ask George Vithoulkas!
July 08 Questions and Answers

“One should be careful not to listen to superficial ideas, that may be interesting but misleading….”

Now you can ask George Vithoulkas homeopathy questions every month!

New Papers
Homeopathy for Plants– Mark Moodie

“Kaviraj had started with a crude kind of anthropomorphic approach: if this apple tree were a human it would need belladonna ….”

AgroHomeopathy Tidbits – Alan Schmukler

“One of the challenges made to homeopathy, is that it only works by placebo. What better way to dispel
that notion, than by showing that plants respond to the remedies.”

Yes, It’s Another Toothache Article!!!!! – Elaine Lewis

“Homeopaths don’t like to treat, or even talk about, toothaches! Too boring I guess.”

A Homeopathic Perspective on AIDS – V. K. Pandey

“…the leading AIDS drug, AZT, has been found to prolong the lives of people with AIDS by only seven or eight months, but due to its side effects, the quality of life
during this time is not high.”

Role of Homeopathy in Deaddiction – Ajit Singh Tanda

“Sulphuric acid: This is a remedy for chronic alcoholism. It corresponds to inebriates on their last legs, who are
pale and shriveled and cold, whose stomach will not tolerate the slightest amount of food.”

History of Homeopathy in India –  Dr Ardeshir T Jagose

“In 1937 the British government had not recognised this system of medicine and it was for the first time that M.L.A. Miyan Ghias-ud-idin passed a regulation in the Bengal Assembly to allow recognition and patronage to homoeopathy.”

Tips and Secrets – 15 – Alan Schmukler

“Calcarea fluoricum removes fibroid deposits about the endocardium and restores normal endocardial structure.”

More Than Words!
July 08 Cartoons– Alan Schmukler

Look for a new cartoon every month in this new section of the ezine!

It’s Time for Big Ideas and Bold Action – Carol Boyce

“Imagine a series of films showing the potential of homeopathy to change our world!”

From the Clinic
Malignancy of the Nasopharynx– Parinaz Humranwala

“Growth in the left side of the nasopharynx since two years, with epistaxis, headache and loss of hearing on the same side.”

A Case of Salix nigra – David Johnson

“It’s a loss of the divine presence. I’m sucked into the swamp and can’t get out. I’m slugging through. If I don’t keep slugging through my body won’t get out.”

  Amelioration of Root-knot Disease of Lady’s Finger Plants by Potentised Cina and Santonin– NC Sukul et al.

“Lady’s finger plants (Hibiscus esculentus), grown in pots, were inoculated with the second-stage larvae (76:t 6) of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, starting 7 days later they were treated with Cina 30c, Santonin 30c or Ethanol 30c….”

Potentized Artemisia nilagirica Extract (Cina) Increases Silk Production and Effective Rate of Rearing in a Field Trial –  Subhash & Rupa Datta

“All Potentized Artemisia nilagirica Extract (Cina)-treated healthy and infected plants showed improved growth in terms of number and surface area of leaves, and protein content (%) of leaf and root.”

Homeopathy – How It Works and How It Is Done – Cyril W. Smith

Part VII – Similiters and Suchness

“This work shows that frequency patterns such as those of homeopathic potencies produce changes extending into the next generation of a cell culture…”

  Beef and Kidney Pie– Elaine Lewis, Shana Lewis

Find the right medicine ..and win exciting prizes!

Revisiting: “Bathtub Blues” – Elaine Lewis

Answer to the last month’s case quiz.

Look At My Skin!– Edward De Beukelaer

He is very relaxed at the shows, he goes to sleep even when he is in the ring and has to wait (this is unusual for dogs).

Book Reviews
Temperament Types – A Study by Dr. Parinaz Humranwala– Dr. Leela Dsouza

“Temperament is not behaviour. It is our inborn, God given nature.”

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden by Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj – Tony Scofield

“Belladonna cleared the rust and left a much better-tasting apple than the trees had produced before.

We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

The editors, the publisher and the owner of, do not necessarily agree with the information provided in various articles and sections of the e-journal Homeopathy for Everyone. The authors and the contributors are solely responsible for their views and comments. Please use your discretion in using any medical/health information provided in this journal. For treatment of any chronic or serious illness, you should consult your Homeopath or General Physician in person. Subject to the jurisdiction of Jaipur, India only.

About the author

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