Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from March 2017 issue


Readers comment on the March 2017 issue of Homeopathy for Everyone

From:  Interview with Dr. Farokh Master – by Dr. Manish Bhatia (video)

Some important issues Dr. Farokh has pointed out:
1. Scrapping of the MD (Hom) courses. I fully agree with this since it is important to have a good study material in the undergraduate level before proceeding to the MD level. An MD in Repertory or MM or Organon has only a commercial value.
2. Poor teaching standards. He is right in raising this issue that the teaching staff are also not very well versed with Homeopathic subjects.
3. Neo Gurus culture: If the students are not taught well in the colleges they are bound to fall prey to the Neo Gurus who promote themselves more than the subjects. It is fast becoming a business.

Dr. Rajiv Chopra

From:   Paving the Way for Pregnancy Making Tubes Patent with Homeopathy – A Case Report –by Dr. Kanika Sabharwal

The author gives more importance to the mind symptoms which are indeed the key to the whole case record. In the case of tubal block a homeopath is always careful, because if the block is total and congenital then it goes to the domain of surgery. Anti-sycotic medicines have the power to dissolve some extra-growth inside the fallopian tube, or elsewhere. I thank the author for her scientific case presentation.

Md Azmal Hossain

From:  A case of molluscum contagiosum – by Dr. Aanchal Parmar

Brilliant case.  Thank you for sharing!

Gina Tyler

I have had success with Molluscum a few times with Carcinosin and agree that with this condition the constitutional remedy is the way to go.

Rochelle Marsden

From:  A case of dysmenorrhoea – by Dr. Khyati Vora
I am sad to learn how you have been repeating the same medicine in the same potency so frequently.  When there is relief why is the medicine repeated?

Dr. Khyati Vora

From:  Homeopathy Crossword Puzzle  – by Alan V. Schmukler

Challenging. Good work Alan!


From:  A case of chronic urticaria in a boy of Dr. Pooja D. Gori

Urticaria is a manifestation of Psora andSyphilis combined. Lyc works for all the three miasms, so it was fine. High potency is certainly needed for chronic cases if the mentals general and physical generals are present.

Dr. Paramjit Singh

From: Tidbits 44: Moving Again–Thanks to Homeopathy!  by Elaine Lewis

Thank you Elaine for another insightful Tidbits column.   Yes, where would we be without Homeopathy?  What homeopathy can do simply and safely is handled allopathically by invasive tests and toxic drugs.

Alan V. Schmukler

From: Homeopathy on the Front Lines in Mexico – By Barbara Grannell

This is a wonderful story about A Promise of Health, which brought homeopathy to one of the neediest populations in Mexico. Barbara and Bill Grannell live a life of service and serve as a model and inspiration for all.

Alan V. Schmukler

From: A Homeopathic / Holistic Approach to Depression with Reference to Conventional Management by Gill Graham

I’m glad you quoted a criticism from an academic source, of the ‘chemical imbalance’ theory. This idea, so beloved of drug companies, deserves to be discredited or at least countered with other views.

Richard Laing

From:  Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize – Editorial by Alan V. Schmukler

Thank you, Alan, for this reminder of “the bigger picture,” and for all you do to help keep this light of truth burning brightly.  This journal is a treasure.

Lucy Vaughters

From:  Dreams, the Key to an Unknown Door – Understanding the Unconscious to Help in Finding the Simillimum and Becoming a Fully Functioning Person  – by Luc De Schepper

This excellent article is a wonderful segue into understanding how the psyche can open up to revealing what the subconscious has to say about needed changes and remedies that can assist in helping one’s journey. I have personally benefited as a practitioner from Dr. Luc’s framework when I participated in his Dream Seminar in Boston a few years ago. I am looking forward to his upcoming book as symbols and dreams play such an important part in our gentle probing to unearth the path of healing.

Kenneth Silvestri

From:  Migraine Headache – A Clinical Primer and Homeopathic Options in Treatment  – by Robert Medhurst

The discussion on migraine headache is good. The author describes the medicines that are frequently used. Apart from that there are many medicines. Our sincere thanks to the author for the valuable article.

Md Azmal Hossain

From:  Cartoon  – Donald Trump

After dealing with Trump I will need every remedy there is!  As usual…..great cartoon Alan.


We’re going to need an abuse remedy like Staphysagria! By the way, great job of drawing Trump, Alan! Looks just like him!

Elaine Lewis

From:  A case of endometriosis by Dr. Kiran Shanbhag

Nice description doctor very insightful.

Dr Rekha

From: A case of Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria – Dr. Zilika Jain

It’s a nice, ideal case taking and easy for selection of homoeopathic medicine.

Dr. Snehal

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