Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Journal - Homeopathy for Everyone

Homeopathy for Everyone September 2009

cover volume issue

Homeopathy for Everyone September 2009

Let us Fly with Jonathan! – Katja Schuett- Letters to the Editor
Homeopath in the Hot Seat
Dr. Andrea Brancalion – interviewed by Katja Schütt
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New Papers
Miasms, Nosodes and Essences – Peter Morrell-

Homeopathy: More Than Three Miasms? – Dr.Luc de Schepper

Nosodes in Homeopathy – David Little

Influence of Vaccination on the Constitution – a Miasmatic Approach – M.S.Jus

Miasmatic Treatment of Chronic Diseases – Dr. Rosina Sonnenschmidt

A Miasmatic Approach to Endometriosis – Dr Suriyakhatun Osman

Homeopathic Treatment of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient – Dr. Andre Saine

Homeopathic Treatment of Children with Down Syndrome – Dr.Wolfgang Storm

My Life – Unthinkable Without Homeopathy – Christian Loehr

Asthma – S.K.Banerjea

Application of Homeopathic Remedies – Katja Schütt

A Graphic Representation of the Workings of Homeopathy – Glen Dupree & Susan Beal

The Fibonacci Potencies Series: update, discussion and conclusions – Joe Rozencwajg

History of Homeopathic Medicine in Mexico – Dr. Fernando Dar­o Francois-Flores

Amma Concept for Treating Epidemics, Trauma and Endemic diseases – Harry van der Zee

Pioneering Homeopathy in Kenya – Didi Ananda Ruchira

Behavioural and Psychiatric Problems of Children – Jawahar Shah

Tips and Secrets: 29 – Alan V. Schmukler

Mary Travers remembered by Elaine Lewis

From the Clinic
Quarrelsome and Needy With Menorrhagia – David Johnson
The Use of Classical Homeopathy in Veterinary Medicine – Dr. Andrea Brancalion

Classical Constitutional Homeopathy for Horses – Karen Cohen

Case Histories and Stories – Karen Cohen

Constitutional Homeopathy for Colic in Horses – Karen Cohen

Pus in Boots – Dr. Andrea Brancalion

Materia Medica
Carcinocin – Philip Bailey
More Than Words!
September 09 Cartoon – Autism and Vaccination – Alan Schmukler
Solve the case quiz and win a Synthesis Repertory!QUIZCold Gone Bad! – Elaine Lewis

Revisting: “Mickey Moose” Has The Sneezies – Elaine Lewis

Revisting: Case of Miss K. P. – Dr. Ajit Kulkarni

Agro Homeopathy
Compositae – V.D.Kaviraj- Pyruvic acid – V.D.Kaviraj

Effect of Fragmentation on Agro-homeopathic Models – Radko Tichavsky

Ask The Plant Doctor


We hope you will enjoy this issue. Do send us your feedback at [email protected]

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